Thank you, Alex, for one heck of a ride.


Thank you, Alex, for one heck of a ride.

106 10
AHHH you're gonna make me cry
sorry!!! 😅
Disney games are up
welcome to the phandom. once you come in you'll never get out. oh and PINOF 😸
oh,gosh I love this collage. the problem is that it sorta brings me down,and it reminds me of the horrible fact that it's ending.but thank goodness that, according to the internet, that the final episode is held back until 2016 because I can't handle getting over the show ending this year. or next year. or maybe never 😰. or maybe that's just my feelings getting in the way.
I saw something that said it might come out on 2/29. also, might I recommend Over The Garden Wall and Avatar: The Last Airbender as cartoons to occupy your time with after this show ends
I keep meaning to ask you: what episode is your icon from??
I'm so sad it's ending!!!