Collage by JuneHaverly


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this annoys me so much when ppl do this
Ikr it gets on my nerves
and then ppl always comment things like "ur so pretty" when the picture is obviously Kylie Jenner
exactly it really frustrates me🤕
yes ugggg
or when it's an account with multiple people and you know that it's just one person pretending to be like 5 other people
plzz we all have insecurities. Im not this white super model skinny blue eyed girl, but I don't hide my face. it just annoys me when people think that they are all big and bad when everyone tells them how gorgeous they are when its not even them. it's like these people aren't complimenting you there complimenting that tumblr girl/boy that looks nothing like you. let's say that you actually decide to show your REAL face. and let's just say that you're not what society calls 'beautiful' or as gorgeous as your PC kid is. (which I'm not saying you're not. I'm sure however you look you are lovely on the inside and out, but let's just say) do you actually think you would still get all that attention. people like you b/c your fake. when you follow someone the first thing they look at is your icon, and if you're pretty enough for 'there' standards they'll click on your page and start talking to you. they loved you for 'your' face first and then even if you have an 'ok' personally they will still love you cause your PC kid is beautiful. I'm sorry but it's true
true true people need to stop , everyone is beautiful both inside and out :)
ik I just wish people were honest with themselves and everyone else