That is me though.


That is me though.

50 2
Same ugh XD
I know. Like, if my children don't grow up emo then they aren't mine.
I will just disown them.
I don't know if I'll even have kids though. It pretty much scares me...
But I could probably adopt them? Then like, I make them emo. If they refuse to they'll go up for adoption again.
Literally. I don't know if I want kids, or if I could have them. Depends who my partner is, if I'll have on at all XD
Yeah...I probably won't. I don't really care. XD
I don't want them if there is a chance that they won't be emo
Just marry another emo. If both parents are emo then they have no choice.
Omgggg yes! Then they probably wouldn't dare.
They won't. Though they'll probably have to go through their basic phase at one point in their life...