Collage by Lily_Cat15


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Hey I just talked to u on the phoneπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
no dip Sherlock can you do the emoji thing I just posted plz πŸ¦„
yeah one sec
ur welcome. lol everyone wants to know about Aidan now
I like Aidan so much. I ink it may be too much...😢
well that's good it means you have a real connection with him
lol I think I do. just thinking about him is giving me butterflies!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
okay let's take about something else
like what?
like that ur mom has to drop u off at our house on Saturday and we will drop u off on Sunday
ur mom decided?
what time?
I don't know I was kinda being a hole to my mom so u might not be able to come over
lol ok. so.... guess what?
chicken butt
lol no. Aidan asked me out on an actual date!!!!
okay still chicken butt
lol I'm going home with him on Monday and we're going to Starbucks
again chicken butt