Name: jask
Age: 13
Likes: all girls
Friends: Jaja love her to death


Name: jask Age: 13 Likes: all girls Friends: Jaja love her to death

5 2
Hi boy bestie
he hot stuff
hey hot stuff I mean
whatever, what is your girlfriend doing???
We Broke Up💔💔😭😭😭 still recovering
But single
oh okay😭😭😭 just post that u single u cute
okay and Thxs and I don't want u
aww thx you cute to
That my boy bestie
U welcome do u go to smith hale???
Thinking about it
yeah Jaja told me about her and plus she is super hot
U welcome
you cute as f
hello it's nice to meet u
bae I love you hope you read I really want to talk to you so much plz come on tomorrow