Do you know how much
I hate myself?you know
That feeling where you 
Want to eat but you want
To be skinny but then you 
End up eating anyway..yeah
That feeling,its the worst


Do you know how much I hate myself?you know That feeling where you Want to eat but you want To be skinny but then you End up eating anyway..yeah That feeling,its the worst

9 4
as someone who has gone through a point in my life, some which I told you about a million years ago when we talked on kik, and now being mostly harm/pill/starving free for a long time, it does actually get better you think people lie when they say it gets better, they're not. it really does get better. and the strange thing is some of the hardest things I've ever been through ever happened recently, and I didn't want to hurt myself at all, and that was a big accomplishment
ok thanksss