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thank you for following me🖤🤪make sure to check out my posts💣👌
honestly, idk either 🤷🏻‍♀️
it’s more a pun than a joke
hey I don’t know if you’re aware but your following a hate page
im mad at you, you are following a hate page
ur following a hate page
just unfollow the freakin’ hatepage
u are following a hater
ohhh I understand u follow all ur followers but is it that worth it to follow a hate page
hi! just thought I’d let you know, you’re following a hatepage. no meanness intended! ❤️
I unfollowed them
Hey 👋🏽 I noticed u where following my old acc @auntiesanti. Turns out I got logged and and can’t retrieve my pass... long story short it’s a ghost account now 🥺 make sure to check out my new acc!💞