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I didn't force you to come don't lie Alex 😂😂❤️
you did Alexia you know what you did 😂
aww your pp uncle Alex 😂😂❤️👴🏼
hahah stop it 😂
hey Alex - all
I'm fine u?
I'm good ig what's wrong?
nothing I guess
tell me please
I don't want to bother you I'll figure it out myself
no it's ok please I want to help you
you can't there's only one person who can
please Alex I want to try ok
I need to talk to my best friend she always makes me feel better
oh ok I'm sorry Alex I won't bother you anymore
it's okay you weren't bothering me
ok but I hope you get better cutie
thank you that means a lot
np I want you to get better
thank you I hope I will but idk
ok just think positive
okay thank you
np so whatsup
nm I'm just sad and worried
don't be please
I have to I'm upset
ok I'm sorry about that
it's okay it's not your fault
I know but I'm not helping you
it's okay Alexia can help me
it's going be ok Alex I promise
thank you but I don't wanna be upset on my sister's wedding tomorrow
awe ok do you want yo talk about something else
I don't know tomorrow I'd have to celebrate for 2 things and I'm lucky to have Alexia there because she's the only one who really understands me not even my sister would understand
oh I'm so sorry I do care about you and I will be here if you need me ok I know you have your best friend but I'm still here
thank you that means a lot to me she's my best friend because I've known her since we were 6 and she was always there for me and I really appreciate you being here for me too thank you
np always be I love you friend
I love you too I just need to get ready for my sister's wedding & my birthday tomorrow so
so have fun and happy birthday too
thanks Alexia sits in front of me at the church so I'll pretty much pull her hair 😂 and I'll have to dance with her on the wedding 😂❤️ not that I don't want to but I'm lazy and I don't wanna dance 😂
haha you so cute and I bet you can dance really good
hahah thanks but my sister and Alexia are forcing me shopping with them for the wedding to pick her dress and my suit and it's boring 😂
awe I'm sorry about that you going to have fun *laugh*
no I'm not I remember my mom's wedding few years ago and I don't wanna go "dress/suit shopping" again it's so boring 😂
I know how you feel about that *laugh* but just uses your phone
my mom is making me to leave it to her so I can focus on the shopping 😂 I don't like my sister's boyfriend tho 😂
haha why? and that is suck but idk to say now
because he thinks I'm in love with Alexia and we should get married 😂 and she's like idk what's going on in your head but Alex and I? no wayy 😂😂 I hate when he does that's
oh about that he needs to stop were just good friends and idk what's going on in his head huh Alex?😂
idk ask him I don't wanna dance with ya in the wedding but I have to 😂