I think my rat has a tumour πŸ˜–


I think my rat has a tumour πŸ˜–

29 3
She's going to the vet rn
oh no!😭
Hope she feels better!
I'm really scared tho πŸ˜“
That's bad
She's staying at the vet overnight so they can try some tests on her in the morning
at least she'll be taken care of there
it's ok
I hope she doesn't have cancer πŸ˜“
That's sad...I always wanted a rat, they're small but active.
that's sad... I had two hamsters once but one got out and died and the other ran away πŸ˜”
Update: Sadly, the cancer spread through her already very sick body and she passed away.
oh no!!! I love rats so much and I hate it when they get sick! I'll pray for the little guy..
oh no!!!
I just read the update😰😰😰
:( no! That's so sad!