Aaaaand we switch to depressing


Aaaaand we switch to depressing

19 1
same tbh
Hey:) I haven't talked to you very much.
heyo. and truuu
Have we talked before??
I think we have....
I'm not sure??
Neither am I 😂
😂😂 so what's up
Nothing much. Just hiding in my room. Wbu?
Layin in bed
Sounds fun 😝
yeee 😂
😂 So what should I call you? I'm Chris, but you probably already knew that.
I go by Alex or Vera so you can call me either one
Ok. Ummm Alex!
Hiddleston Alex!
aaa so when do you start school?
in about a month. When do you start?
August 24th which is like 2 days after my birthday 😭😭
ugh 😪 I don't want to go back!
What grade are you in this year?
I'm one behind you.
Yup. How is ninth grade? should I be scared?
you shouldn't be scared because like its the easiest year tbh
Loki Dokey then. What's your favorite subject?
any of the arts!
what's yours?
History. I don't like trigonometry.
I haven't even been to geometry yet😂😂
Oh, Lol. To many formulas. We just started at the end of last year. Probably have different curriculums.
aa sorry for responding late I'm rping rn
It's ok, so am I 😀
Yup, what kind of RP are you doing,
oc. you?