Collage by CreatingPoetry


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This might be the most honest piece I've ever posted on here. This is about my journey on piccollage and all the friends I've made along the way. So please take the time to read it. If you only ever read one of my things, let it be this one.
(Also I know this is hard to read, but I wanted it to look ✨️pretty✨️)
I will remix a clearer version
wow this is beautiful! and it feels so real. the way this app felt like a dream for many years and then i kind of forgot about and now that i’m back (kinda) i doesn’t feel the same anyone
but i still have so many fun memories about this app that will never leave
love this ~ every sentence so real & describes the experience of being on here so perfectly
maybe this app feels real, feels special because every one goes through the same things. i‘m on here since two years now and i have met a lot of people on here since then, most of them are very sweet and kind but i only feel close with a few people on here
i feel close with them because they have the same problems, the same thoughts on some topics, the same things that happen in life. but not only the point that we’re all going through the same stuff makes it real: some people on this app are older or younger than me and have similar yet so different thoughts than me, different ways of life & different ways to deal with things
that’s how it is in real life as well but i sometimes have the feeling that we’re not talking enough about „the things that keep us up at night“ in real life so it’s refreshing to talk about it on here. at some points in my life i really needed the feeling that someone else was going through similar stuff with mental health and i needed someone that i could talk to not in person. its pretty difficult for me to talk about my deeper feelings in real life, i can talk about them with only a few very close people in reality & it makes it so much easier for me to write them down and talk to someone this way
i just realised how many times i used the words „talk“, „real life“, „people“ and „on here“ hahah💕
thank youuuu