Hey. I don't do this often, but I really need someone to talk to or I'm going to go crazy. I've had a really bad day and I just need someone to tell me it's alright. Please someone?


Hey. I don't do this often, but I really need someone to talk to or I'm going to go crazy. I've had a really bad day and I just need someone to tell me it's alright. Please someone?

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hey. I'm here if u wanna talk
u there?
thx. I've just been having a very hard time in life...
oh. I'm sry. what happened?
also thx for being my PC bestie!
pls answer😶Ilysm
I'm so sorry that you're having a hard time. Can I do anything?
welcome. and A lot. my brother was being a jerk and bent my thumb so far back outta anger my doctor thinks It's fractured, my parents fight, my world is slowly crumbling down around me and I can't do it. Idk what's wrong with me, nut I'll start having these random flashes of shaking and feeling sick, and my brother got put into a behavioral health center, he attempted to kill my mom and I... what else is there to tell??
and no. just be my friend and be there when I need you.
but I'm about to go to sleep cause I have school tomorrow.
so gn
gtg sry bye
luv ya
luv ya too