Ask away!


Ask away!

47 2
4: Zodiac sign= Cancer 😊
15: Quiet or loud? = Well I'm practically both...In public in usually shy and quiet but at home I'm like so hyped!
Uh...right then!
6: Ever been in love? = Unless u count celebrity crushes then no...I'm so lonely
10: OTP = Mainly Stony!
10, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21
9 and 17 please
Can you please answer 3 and 13 please?!?😊
Thanks doctorderp, you are all so AWESOME!!
9: Fears? = Life size/big statues (weird I know) and Elevators (and again...weird!)
17: Do I believe in ghosts? = To be honest i am not really sure. Sometimes I see things moving in the corner of my eye but I don't know if it's anything paranormal...
3: Any piercings or tattoos? = Nope none! I am considering getting part of my ear pierced tho
13: Favourite foods = Cookie dough ice cream (it's the best thing ever), pizza, Oreos...
18: Favourite kind of movies = Action
Oh nice!😺
19: Eye colour = Blue with green specs
20: Hair colour = Natural brown
21: Light or heavy sleeper? = Very light sleeper, I wake up to anything!
8 and 18
8: Loud music or soft? = Depends what mood I'm in but usually I'm into loud music 🎧
7: Which country do you live in? = I live in England 🇬🇧
14: Hobbies = My main hobbies are drawing, listening to music, looking after pets, cycling and watching movies 📽
6, 19, 20, 21
loud person or quit?