Collage by rileyissingle


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we look like twins
I know
Maddison is prettyer then me
don’t say that ur both really pretty
thanks winks
no prob
I am bisexual
awww I totally support u no matter what
thanks wanna be friends
ur welcome, yeah I would love to! well I need to tell u something first
sure go head
ok so I really want to ask mads to marry me so depressing on what she says we might be sisters in law
depending *
I can’t wait!!!!
same!!!! should I ask her?
ask her
but she is not on right now
ok thanks for letting me know
she with me
can I pls talk to her?
sure one sec
hey it’s Maddison
hey babe I need to ask u something
what is ur
babe I know I’ve asked u already but….
will u marry me princess?
blushes, then starts to kiss u * I love u babe
babe can I talk to ur sister for a minute pls
love u 2 I have to model be on later wanna talk to my sister
love u more, ok babe be amazing like always, yeah pls
hey girlie!!!! dalton is talking to me blushes
hey!!!! awwww yay I’m so happy for u!!! also I have something to tell u
sure ask
I asked mads to marry me she said yes!!!!
we are sisters in law ❤️
o m g !!!!!!!
Ik !!!!!!
love u sis
love u more sis