I watched this on YT, 😂😂why don't I have Insta???


I watched this on YT, 😂😂why don't I have Insta???

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wait I forgot tag you in my latest post I'm sorry fren but consider yourself tagged or check the comments
I'm so sosososososososososo sorry but it's like three am where I am and I'm just kinda sleepwalking but I'm so sorry I'll make this up to ya
what do you want me to do I am so sorry but Everytime I do something wrong I want to fix it iou like literally ask me to do something or I'll feel so guilty like please can you uh ask me to do something for you ?
like I can write a phanfic for you or make a post for you or just ask me to do something
I'm so sorry
and also for spamming you but
ahh please don't ignore me
I'm sorry
I love you so much too in the most platonic way you are the best I don't deserve a friend like you what can I do you milady (imagine Phil tipping his hat)
what do you like most ? (btw I reposted :)