I love chocolate


I love chocolate

6 0
uh ok? me to
why uh ok I love chocolate deal with it
jeez ok you don't have to be like that
ok fine
yeah why you gotta be like that
she just said uh ok?
why do you care exactly
she was saying ok like it was a bad thing to like chocolate
uh ok
I like chocolate just like you don't have to let everyone know.
I was bored and I wanted to do that and I don't care if you don't approve
well I don't ether
cool now so do you care if I block you šŸ˜‚
bro u kinda being rude to everyone on here
no I am not everyone on here is not that nice especially the 8 year olds so I just have I stand up for my self
oki sorry nor I get it. I have to go through the same, thing but with a 10 or an 11 year old.
I got you
do u have any social media u would wanna share
how old are u
no and Iā€™m 12
I am 12 too
cool! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š
and no I don't care if you block me like who even cares like BRUH like there are thousands of ppl that are my age 12 YEAR OLD
your 8 not twelve
guys please be nice ik Iā€™m not part of this but please think to yourself before you say something wwjd (what would Jesus do)
sry I agree we should do what Jesus would do and he would turn the other cheek and not be mean back
I think u should do the same
and it's not tigerra it's tigerri