Collage by Polarized_Forces


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I am soooo a zoboomafan
so I got home and took a nap after the nap my mom checked my temp and I have a fever so we'll see if I in school tomorrow
I'm sorry. I can't be in school today
ARIEL WHY!!!?? 😦😢😵
I'm sorry I really wish I was in school
will you be there tomorrow cause we's need to talk about walls
I'll be there, and yes we need to
Lacie Lacie Lacie Lacie Lacie Lacie Lacie . something happened in lunch
wait, what happened! tell me after school
okey dokey
Lacieeeeeee! you aren't here today.😭😭😭
I know I'm so sorry!
I'm really sick right now
is you know who there?
no. apparently he wasn't enrolled
I want to kill someone
it's a hater on here
give them your "honest opinion" also what does that mean? my home room teacher knew
so someone must have happened. . .
LaCie, are you coming to school tomorrow?
more then likely, I'm not sure
Lacie he kissed me again.😊
WOOOOOOO WAY TO GO GIRL,,!!! I raised you right XD