Collage by forgotten-


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Hey I’m Nathan :)
how are you?
I’m not to great :( but I love your name
my sister has cancer and I’ve been stressed with work and taking care of her daughter *sits down*
*nudges your arm gently* no don’t be it’s part of life bad things happen for a reason
hey *looks at you and frowns looking at the bruise* that isn’t okay *rubs my fingers over it gently* why’d he do that? ( make sure you put two of these on both side ** so I know when your doing something) (if that makes sense)
*holds you close to me hugging you softly* hey hey shhh it’s okay
no your not *frowns softly*
well the thing is my sister has cancer so she can’t see anyone other than her daughter and me sometimes and I can’t get the baby sick or she can’t see her momma but maybe soon
that sounds perfect thank you *smiles standing up* how about we do something? movie?
alright* takes your hand to the living room and sits down*
*smiles wrapping my arm around your waist gently rubbing it while using my other hand to turn the tv on with the remote* what movie?
okay pretty *finds a romantic movie putting it on* (okay)
*puts a movie on*
*rubs your arm gently* shh it’s okay
*smiles and holds your hand* there and don’t be sorry
that’s sweet *looks at your hands and rubs it softly* but how about we take things a little slower? hm? just Bc i know still healing from a past relationship
thanks for understanding *smiles bringing you closer to me*
I hxte when people ask me that *laughs and watches you carefully* I’m a very boring person
no no it’s fine, where you going?
here *gets up and picks you up walking upstairs*
your okay *brings you up to my room laying you on my bed* you need some rest *takes my shirt off and lays beside you*
rest pretty girl *gets closer to you rubbing your leg gently*
*continues rubbing your leg gently*
*smiles looking at you* hey how’d you sleep?
good *pecks your lips softly* your beautiful when you sleep
*continues kissing you*
*smiles pulling away* how’s your leg
I’m sorry baby. is it okay if I call you that?
okay *smiles and rubs your leg*
yes you can
umm I’m not sure maybe I will
well I’m here for now baby *sits up and puts you in my lap*
*bites my lip watching you*
okay :)
*kisses you back*
my girlll 🥺 *picks you up and spins you around*
I just missed you
*kisses you back holding you*
is your leg better? *holds you*
*rubs your legs softly watching you*
*bites my lip a little watching you carefully*
ehh a little (wanna be my gf?
*smiles and kisses your neck softly*
*kisses your neck a bit more getting hard*
yes I will when we make a new account soon
*stands up and lays in bed*
mmm baby what are you doing
okay baby gn
*bites my lip watching you*
princess ❤️
*picks you up kissing you* you left me hxrny least night
*smiles bringing you up to my room and lays in bed with you*
okay baby *holds you close to me*
*bites my lip*
mm yes
*holds your waist looking up at you*
soon I think i dont know when *bites my lip feeling myself get hard* oops *laughs a little*
mm baby *gets up laying you on the bed holding you down smirking*
we’ll be going to a new account in a couple days and I’ll restart there
my girlll
I’m here and I do care about her
I’m a busy guy just as y’all are busy and I can’t be on 24/7
like y’all are leaving for two weeks? how is that any fair to me