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lucky... *looks down* i-is david on
hey sis what's wrong
lucas i asked him if we were still together and he said idk im really upset and dont know what to do
omg I'm so sorry*hugs you*
*hugs you* its fine *looks at bryson* i have a question
alright what's up
what mine isn't till June 2
i dont have brysons middle name yet but i was wondering if you would be ok if his middle name was your name
yeah I don't care*smiles*
*smiles* ok and i have a secret
I wanna know
awe but id make things awkward
but I wanna know!!!
You sure you want to know
yes I'm sure
Well um I know this is bad to say cuz idk if I'm single or not but I kinda have feelings for someone.....
for who?
*covers my face* someone I shouldn't have feelings for
tell me!!!
*looks down* ok it's you
Yeah but I'm sure you don't like me anymore than what we have
who ever said that
No one I feel like you don't tho but like i really like you
*looks at you*and I love you
*looks at you* I love you
Cam leave me alone you have no right to get in my business and I'm not doing anything to Lucas am I no so please leave me alone and honestly you don't know what's going on
I did like you cam but now that you're leaving pc I let those feelings go and guess what Lucas is leaving pc as well what else am I supposed to do huh I asked him this morning if me and him were still together and the answer I got was idk how do you think that made me feel honestly it made me feel like cràp and made me feel like I was the worst person in the world
I can't make Lucas stay on pc cam he told Chloe this morning that he's gonna leave either way I can't change his mind