give me a few hours i'll be sane again


give me a few hours i'll be sane again

20 8
Hey i'm could always talk to me if you feel sad or anything..
aye you wanna talk?:/
no problem
Sorry about your mother's loss , i totally understand.. i'm in the same shoe as you're in. I hope everything gets better for you and you can somehow find a way to tame yourself.
Hmm , sorry about that 🖤 Quite similar yeah
I say "sorry" because i really do know what you're going through , well i suppose i know how you feel about your situation. Best i not tell anyone just yet , i was thinking of posting it actually ..
I think my confidence would sway that off a little , because i really couldn't care less on what others think. It's 2017 come on 😬
Thank you Finnick? Assuming that's your name.
Oh pardon me. Seriously though , i'm hunting for some friends
Christ i'm not a stalker or anything 💀 That didn't seem to work , not for me anyway hah
Saying "hi" to people doesn't seem to work because i don't get a response 💀 But i mean nothing to bother much about
I've found the right amount at this point so i'm breathing properly now :')
Didn't get that joke. I feel very daft now 💀 Or was it a joke?
Awful "jokes" like that crack me up
Language (;
I'm use to potty mouths , got no problem with me but i like teasing :) Also just realising you take a while to respond.
Ahh. What's "entertaining" you to get you distracted from our small moment? 😁
Oh nice , what're they playing? Wait wait , on PC or a console?
Three or Infinite War thing? I'm curious sorry hah
AHAHA , i just had to let that out woo okay. Just wait until my sister takes this app away from me again :')
no? the fact that my sister will eventually find out i have this app :')