Plz Ask me I'm so bored


Plz Ask me I'm so bored

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thanks for the spam :)
ι тry ;)
im 15... a sophomore
...yeah...i used to...
all the above
1. single...for now
2. none
3. ... no
4. brunette naturally, but my hair is blue now
5. i used to smoke if u count that as drugs
6. i used to
7. i live in pennsylvania, usa
8. a little brother, a little sister, a half sister whos getting married in 2017, and a half brother and his wife
9. my angel puppy Sheba
10. Maddie
11. im bullied and emotionally abused at school and home
12. nah, but im open if its true
13. 15, a sophomore in highschool
14. im straight but i accept everyone
15. July 18