Ughhh ppl make me violent af rn


Ughhh ppl make me violent af rn

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Sorry baby i would of txted earlyer but i was up all night wit my mom cause she was worryed about my dad who was out on a fire all night
k then oml... u good lol I mean I was trying to not stab ppl oml
Yea im fine and no u shouldnt kill people rn cause im not in the mood to go to the jail house to bail u out
pfffft lol fineee oml
Lol thanks
godd wait fxck wut do we have tomorrow
well no shït oml I mean like do we have keyboarding cuz I can’t fxcking remember
Yea i think so
k just wasn’t sure... just don’t rly wanna go to school tomorrow 😑
niether do i
ru ok babe
Yee babe im fine
okay sorry u just seem kinda off
Lol yea i got about 30 mins of sleep lol
explains that oml... yea no promises on not killing ppl btw 😑
yup she’s dead
Well babe see i went to bed around 11:40 my mom woke me up 12:15 cause she was scared and so her and i went out side and watched the fire and listend to made scream and babe no u cant killl anyone
god well good job on that and I’m srsly killing ppl in like 30 secs she’s pïssing me off
Baaaabbbee no
😑 y wuts so bad about just putting a knife into her throat... tempted to in a sec holy shït
Well like i said dont really wanna bail u out
fine but I can’t rly get away from her and I’m not above beating her
😑 she’s making me violent again
ugh I’d go take a shower tbh but I think the washer is going so I canttt
Lol yea that sucks
Only if we can do that together❤️❤️
actuallyyyy it’s not on... fxck maybe I should
ehh maybe not cuz knowing u, u would b asleep by the time I get out oml
god yea that would b perfect ❤️
No i wont fall asleep i swear lol
welll knowing u u probs will 😂
Nah i wont
sure lol... dunno I gotta like shave and shït and I rly don’t wanna 😂😐
I thought u done that last week
well yea girls gotta keep up on that lol like every other day suuucks
HA kk
pfft lol plus I mean now ig I gotta keep up on shïiiit since we decided to do shït lol... god don’t judge lol
Im not judging
lol I’m just bored afff rn
Yea i can tell babe
I need food but we don’t have food unless u cook it... I’m fxcked
Lol sorry babe
lol I’ll just get cheese
that’s good enough
Lol yea
Babe do u know any good to watch on nerflix??
seee ima b fxcked once we r older
No babe u wont cause i could teach u to cook
yeaaa u might have too oml... and nah i dunno I don’t have WiFi to watch Netflix remember? I mean Megan showed me one series I still need to finish dammït just remembered that
Lol ok well i found one called Friday Night Lights
oh god lol
yea mine was called the finder anddd I don’t think I ever finished it
I miss Netflix now lol
I miss Amazon prime
god lol
tiredddd and wanna cuddle tbh like fxck thissss
Babe i do to
I mean we should take a shower again together lol that was funn... honestly kinda tempted to take one in a few mins tbh tho god
Lol ill try to stay awake
see ik u will probs fall asleep lol... god I was gon wait till u fall asleep but my sis is bein an aśs with the water
but she turned on suicide squad and I don’t rly wanna watch it sooo yea oml
Lol ok
heyyy I’ll brb apparently I gotta go feed oops
love u
Love u to ❤️❤️
hey sorry I must’ve pïssed her off I think
Lol its fine
yeaa.. apparently horses were fighting soo yea
yea baaaabe I miss u
Miss u to baby❤️❤️
❤️ one day like to cuddle all day would b 👌🏻kinda like spring break lol that was funn
Yea it would amazing
yea it would... oml so yea just kinda found out that u have certain things u do to get me like yea lol if u haven’t already noticed when we do shït loll
just randomly started thinking about that lol
Wait i do what to make u what ??
just when we do shït and just when u can get me to my słutty side just kinda started thinking about that dunno y lol just yea
Oh i honestly dont know how i do it tho
well I mean I just know once u get stared ur good at it lol... okay that last thing I said was so hard to actually word tbh I had to think of how to say it 😂
Lol its fine LOL and babe i dont get how cause i mean spring break was my first time doin it
well I mean yea it was the first for both of us but yea even for ur first time damñ ur good at it 😆 just yea the way u did shït lol made it rly fxcking funn 😊😆
Lol for me it was funn cause i done it wit u
lol yea I mean honestly glad my first was with u ❤️
Same babe❤️❤️
lol yea 😊 godd ik Wednesday was kinda torcher cuz ppl were home omll
resistance oml
Lol yea i wish my dad didnt get home till 6
god yea oml... if he didn’t get home till 6 we would’ve had to b careful since Austyn was home
Nah Austyn would of done sshhiitt
eh... okay at least wouldve had to been somewhat quiet
Lol yea i mean im not big enough to actually make u moan out loud lol
So i think we would of been fine
pffft well I mean last time I was just about there tbh loll... but I mean I think I can bite my tongue lol
Yea every one can bite there tongue
hey that shït tho still feels hełla nice 😊😏❤️
Yee it did❤️❤️
lol yea 😊❤️ I mean last time I heard u a bit tbh lol
Lol yee
god just thinkin a bit now lol
Lol notin wrong wit that
lol tru... see rn taking a shower would b great... just do shït in the shower lol
Lol yeeeesss that would be awesome
lol yea it would 😊😏 yeaaa we need another day where no one is home oml
Yes babe we do
yea... summer should get here lol
Lol yea it need to be here now
loll yesss it would b perfect rn... god I mean maybe even just a lol but of time would b great rn lol
Yea or we hurry up get married and move in together
So that we can do that when ever the hella we want
yea like the min it becomes legal lol... like again we could at 16 with parent consent buuut yea dunno
Lol yea
the min we move in together it’s gon b pretty damñ interesting and funny lol
God damit babe now i wanna take a shower go to bed and cuddle and maybe do sshhiitt if im not asleep by then
god yea same tho babe ❤️😑
Yea its goin to be a lil messed up for a bit when we do move in together
Fxck babe i looooovvvveee uuuu❤️❤️❤️
hey it’s gon b fxcking funn tho 😊😏 loll babe love u too 😊😊❤️
Yesss hella fun
lol yeaaa kinda can’t wait to do shït nxt tho omlll
Lol yea same babe
lol yeaa... just now when we hang out I have those moments of resistance omll lol
Well if were alone dont resist sshhiitt
welll I mean Friday there was resistance at certain points ik that
Babe u could of done what u wanted to do
welll I mean i take things too far lol
Most of the time babe we were out of sight
And if u take it to far i mean oh well nobody would care
tru... until it’s like that one guy we didn’t notice 😂 that was sketchy af tbh oml
Lol yeee
skipper would’ve tried to get involved loll
No unless u want him to
well I mean he would’ve tried wut Luna tried lol
just jump in 😆
Lol so u do want them to join
well I mean if they did it would b considered a threesome or wutever u would call 4 like... kinda like a double date just fxcking 😂 they tried to join Wednesday that was kinda funny lol
No it would be u and the dog cause i would be like nope im out
yeaaaa not fxcking a dog babe just sayin 😂
that’s where we would ditch and go do things in the shower 👌🏻😆
Ok thats good
I mean doin sshhiitt in the shower is not a bad idea
yea lol now we gotta try that at some point lol... like yea that would b funn lol
Lol yea it would❤️
loll 😊❤️ yea bein alone would b great rn
Yes it would
Or just living on our own
yea I wish rn ugh... one of us just needs a truck then we r good
drive out the woods and do shït out there lol
Sorry i need to get out of here im tired of cookin and everyone complaining because thats not they want or its not enough or i need to cook some thing else wit it
Yes babe i mean im probs goin to buy the excursion from my parents
hey it’s fine don’t blame u... I mean u can cook ppl might just kinda use that advantage and yeaaa that would b funn... don’t worry I’ll try to learn to cook lol so I’m not makin u do it all the time oml
Babe im fine with cooking all the time im just tired of people complaining
well I mean I gotta learn to cook like if we have kids and shït ima have to cook lol... hey if I have food I don’t complain just sayin oml
Well thats a good thing
hey I like food lol... yea I can sorta bake sometimes depends on wut it is buuut I’ll talk someone into teaching me how to cook lol
I mean John and I can cook so just come to one of us
godd lol well again if we have kids ima have to know how to cook lol... otherwise those nights ur gone we gon b fxcked 😂
Nah cup noodles
or chips 😂 those work lol
Lol yee
Btw babe im not goin to be gone night
well knowing u, ur gon go to a bar and just end up sleepin in someone’s truck or doin some shït cuz ur drunk being lucky cuz I’m at home with the kids my lord
No babe i wont ill find a way to my loving fam even if it means in a cop car
well if Jason has to take u home babe he’s gon try and beat ur aśs oml... yeaa just don’t go off and get urself killed oml
Babe i wont get my self killed and Jason?? babe im not wanting to be in here in winchester
Some place besides winchester
truuu watch Jason like stalk us tho just to get ur aśs in trouble 😆 okay well wutever sheriff that is sketchy wherever we live lol
yea... not the valley tho babe not the valley that place suuucks oml
Babe no were not movin in the valley fxck that
okay yea if u want our kids to get into drugs that’s how it starts.. either here or the valley oml
and Kendrick... Kendrick kinda fxcking sucks
Yea ik thats y im thinking Bear lake or gorge town or lanark or even burn
Yea all those places i named off we can have animals
yea honestly I’ll let u choose cuz I think the most decent place Ik is cashmere and that place is like a better version of the valley... but still sucks oml
Yellowstone is way in Montana so unless u want bison walking around on our street 😂
Lol if u dont want pot smokin kids babe bear lake area is a good place or if u have any good ideas
well most places ik r like meth or pot soo bear lake sounds good lolll
Yes babe Bison would be great game to shoot lol just be like aye kids watch this boom hes died
But yea ig bear lake it is
goddd babe lol well I mean that town is like a mini city like tourists tourists and more tourists and most of them r Chinese lol... pretty sure u can’t shoot bison in the national park oml
lol yea agreed lol
baaaaabe kinda happy now lol😊😊😊
Lol y babe
welll I brought up drivers ed to my dad and he might b drunk or sick cuz he actually said he was fine with me doing it
my mom already okayed it Friday
Lol thats good
yeaaaa he might b sick cuz then we started talking about me getting a truck and getting money from my grandma to make it work like hold up he might b sick 😂
Lol see u might get ur licence before i do
probs not tbh I mean even if I do I might not have a truck... we r talking about it but my dad is the only one working and we got a pretty high mortgage
we both agree that the dodge I saw the other day would b a nice truck... 5k isn’t bad either so that’s a possibility
Thats good
Just make sure John or i get the keys or youll never see it again
yeaaa ima hide he keys to that truck I will treat that truck like my damñ baby lol I love that thing
I want that truck so bad tho 😂
Lol ik u do babe
Its a gas right
If its a gas it might be a bit loud
it’s a gas yea... 5 speed manual tho like it’s smexy 🤤
yeaaa if I get a truck that u rly like too I’ll let u drive it sometimes if u want loll cuz i m an otherwise u might just steal my keys for a day lol
I mean ima get a dodge here soon once i get a dodge and sshhiitt and its goin to be a cummins
And John might get a dodge
And no babe thats ur truck thats ur baby so im not goin to drive it
goddd I’ll hook u guys up for rides once u guys get ur trucks lol cuz I think u might get ur guy’s before I get one
Lol idk
lol... hey as long as u don’t wreck it we r good lol... if I crash my truck I will b so depressed tho like goddd poor truck
Lol i would be more worryed about u cause u can always get a newer and better truck
shhhh if I can honestly ima keep my first truck like if it’s still alive by the time our kids drive it could b their first truck... as long as yea it’s not dead by then
Yea true
some of these trucks r sexy
anddd this one is too expensive 😞
I need money
Lol dont we all
Fxck babe im comin down wit a migraine
don’t die
sorry we found a 4Runner we were lookin at lol...
Lol those r good cars
yesss lift the fxcker we were looking at and it would b fxcking yess 😂 well it did have a blown head gasket so yea went to this lil AMC eagle my dad wants me to get 😂
Lol kk
pfft... u okay babe
Yea y babe
just curious... ughhh. can’t wait to see u oml
Yee ik baeb
Same babe❤️❤️
❤️goddd cuddling and sleeping rn would b great omll
I just found and excursion for u babe oml
Yuusss babe it would ❤️ then get up and get ready together
Probs a gas tho
yea it’s a gas... godd yea we need a night where we can do that tho like would be fxcking nice rn 😩❤️
kinda wish we could sleep rn tho tbh oml
Lol yee babe ima go to bed love u ❤️❤️
lol okie love u too babe ❤️
the fxcking guy is back in my head like fxck I dunno the terror and shock from that night is coming back fxcking cant fxcking sleep like fell asleep for literally 20 mins and woke up shaking wth idefk goddddd
like I see him now again idek y I’m thinking about that rn he’s just like at the end of my bed it feels like holy shït
fxcking woke up freaking tf out for nothing then he came back and like I’m kinda scared babe this is no weird it’s hard to breath and I can’t stop shaking and I feel like crying but idek wut in tf is going on rn fxck
fxcking I can’t even turn my back to my doors or window like I’m paranoid af babe fxck ur probs asleep but I need like help idek wut is happening or going on I’m starting to get scared like freak tf out