Anyone wanna chat?


Anyone wanna chat?

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oh hey it worked πŸ‘πŸ˜€
by the way I like the Siri things really funny
this is stuff to ask Siri on my other account
yeh I luv her
lol u wrote that as I wrote the Siri thing
what country do u live in?
me too so helpful so when I'm sick she does my homework
but I hate doing that so I try really hard when I'm sick to do it first
yup. I'm the kind of person who can be very independent then wanna work with someone
just telling u my wifi keeps cutting out so I'll go on and of
I like figuring out things by my self first and being organized and having lists
it's fine with me at least I can chat with someone because I'm bored
so what do u wanna talk about besides that boring life story of me
and Siri
me too
when does ur school start?
we start school at 7:30
we get there at 7:10 then have free time for 25 minutes
we get out at 2:30
I mean r u on holiday at the moment? our school starts on the 2nd of fen cuz it's summer holidays here
oh sorry we aren't on a holiday right now but we do in 3 weeks
do u have instant messages because it's easier to text on?
cool where do u live (I mean the country u live in(
well at the moment I don't because my grandma has my phone and I'm on my iPod which is like half broken 😭😭😭
sorry it's not loading just a second
that's ok
oh I live in the United States what about u
what time is it where u are?
where I am it's 9:20 pm
it's 9:21 pm
wow where I am it's 10:21am
oh where do u live? Ireland or Australia
I'm probably way off
guess it is one of those sorry my wifi cut out again
oh it's ok
umm great now I'm gonna be wrong ok wait a second
yep ur right
πŸ˜¦πŸ™„ let me guess I'm wrong and it wifi isn't working
grandma still has my phone
yeah really??!! that's a totally surprise that I got that right although Ireland is like 5 hours ahead
the reason she has it is because is stupid and she is trying to download songs and photos onto it and the computer
why does ur grandma have ur phone?
😁and u know if it helps I dropped it out of a car window while it was moving but it didn't really crack
oh u didn't see what I wrote about my grandma??!
😜 ok now I know u have 😁
wait what?
I have about 10 minutes left to talk because I have to go help my grandpa paint.(he is repainting his their house)
and then after that I'm going to my house to sleep I've got a long day tomarrow
wait what !?. with what
I luv the United States I went there last week to telluride, co
wait ur painting his house at night?!?!?
really cool never actually been there because it's not in the area I live
and yeah I love the USA
especially my area
cool I go skiing every year so yeh. last year I went to Breckenridge β›·πŸŽΏ
yes we are painting his house at night it's weird but only because he was shopping for the paint and was doing other parts of the hous e
yes my grandpa is very strange but whatever works for him never say he can't do something or u will be sorry
haha πŸ˜‚
oh cool u ski? I where I live everyone thinks I'm crazy because I don't ski or snow board but I'm like yeah I'll pass I have dance and gymnastics and tennis and basketball
cool I love skiing and I do archery and ice skating (figure) too πŸŽΏβ›·
I love ice skating
so much
but not as much as dance or gymnastics or singing/acting
do u do skating?
soccer I like too
oh u act? I love drama
love ice skating yes!!!!!!!!!!!
how old r u? you don't have to answer and I understand if u don't.
I like soccer but I suck at it
oh it's ok I'm 14
what about u and yes I love acting
I actually am in a play and we have opening night tomarrow
lol soccer I did for 7 years
wow I know this is weird but I'm younger than u
it's ok I'm fine with that how old are u
erm 11 😬
I'm I mean not erm
it's ok if you are 11 years old I'm perfectly fine with that like literally
I'm not gonna stop talking to u just because u are younger then me I'm not a mean person
I refuse to be mean well unless u ask my brother
thx 😊
there's a pic of me in my profile Pi
ur welcome be proud of it too don't be shy
if I were a mean person and said like ew we can't talk anymore u should be there stepping up for ur self and this is when it's ur turn to be mean
got it u go girlπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ˜­πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜¬πŸ‘πŸ˜Š
thx ur nice
btw you have soooo many followers
I have 500
thanks that's apparently how I am like natural me
I do?? let me check and u know what I will give u a shout out
really?!?!?!?!? thanks
wow I have more then I thought. hey by the way can u follow my old account too!!?
I'll give u one 2
ok hair made u one just for you ok so can u look at my other account
although if u do ignore any pictures of 'me on there' because I took them like 2 years ago and they are bad
hair πŸ˜‚
omg sorry stupid auto correct thanks lolπŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜œπŸ˜…πŸ˜³πŸ˜”πŸ˜±πŸ˜ͺπŸ€πŸ˜“
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I only just got out of bed I'm still in my pyjamas πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
omg I'm in my pjs even though I'm gonna have to change to help my grandpa
I have Minnie Mouse pjs
😜love them they are so soft and comfy
and don't want to get paint on Minnie Mouse 😜😁lol
it's so annoying I have to go back to school in 5 days! 😀😞
yeh 😊🐭
yay! well if it makes u feel any better I'm in school so..😁
what u doing today/tomorrow?
although this week I have no school for me because I'm at our high school practicing for the play we are doing
so missing a week of school
practicing for the play and tomorrow we have dress rehearsal then show time😳
we don't Do school plays! πŸ˜“ I love acting!!
lol I have to pee and then help my grandpa but can we talk tomorrow again
like around this time??
yep ok byeeeee
how about same time tomorrow?
on this chat
ug that sucks u would probably be in the plays I can hair imagine u on stage in costume acting lol
haha ok
kk good night I meant good morning have a good day thanks for talking and talk tomorrow
I was once in the musical Peter Pan
when I was 8
yep bye good night talk Tomoz
hey u ??!!!!!πŸ’›πŸ˜œπŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ˜³πŸ˜…