Collage by TOMMY_BELLA


13 1
outfit 1 because it's more my style
I like outfit 2 the best because of the pants and on 1 I can't wear earring soooooo plus 2 is just cute...... I also like the boots
I like outfit 1 because leggings aren't my style and it is Summer in Australia a it would be to hot to wear leggings
I like outfit 1 it just catches my eyes like when you see a really nice t shirt in the shops it's awesome
1 because it is more my style
I like outfit 1 because..well first off I have that exact outfit 😂 It's cute, I mean outfit 2 is cute too...but outfit 1 is more appealing.
I didn't know
I like both, I like one because it is nice for summers in the okanogan and it is pretty cute. I like two because it is more my style,I love the leggings and blue is my fav color
it has finished