Hey, this is my tribute to @rhapsodie. She’s one of my friends who I adore on PC, she recently left, and I hope I did her right with this post. XOXO Craftabulous. 
So many people are leaving...


Hey, this is my tribute to @rhapsodie. She’s one of my friends who I adore on PC, she recently left, and I hope I did her right with this post. XOXO Craftabulous. So many people are leaving...

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hey, thanks, that really helped. okay but when I was 10, I didn’t even know there was anything but straight (thank god now I know 😂). I guess I’ll just have to wait then, I mean right now...I think I’m either straight or bi...but yeah that could change, just like what happened to you 😂. anyway, I really appreciate your help *goes and kisses some random people* jk
and this collage is really sweet