Collage by bbymikeyy


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I still like you. shoot me yeah but you fućkin broke my heart like fr why did u lie and spread so much bs about me for?
kay.. well I'm sorry bout before
please let's not be like this :/
I'm sorry
k then. let's do something
what should we do then we ain't talking properly neither
soph I said am sorry I was being a dîck. I was just annoyed and idk jealous
don't matter
of west. you and him and idfk why
can we please do something tomorrow night? pleaseeeee :(
yeah sorry about that too..
okay good❤️
i can't help it soph and believe me I've tried... but I won't do anything I swear
soph princess, I promise I won't do anything you don't allow me too k?
it's not your fault
I'm not that mad anyway
it's ok I'm here for whatever though yeah❤️
maybe there are but I still like you Sophia