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Collab with my amazing bestie honeymoon_boca!!! Go follow her because she is amazing!!!πŸ’«πŸ’ž


πŸƒClick hereπŸƒ Collab with my amazing bestie honeymoon_boca!!! Go follow her because she is amazing!!!πŸ’«πŸ’ž

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thank you so much babe! I love your collages πŸ’–
aww thanks again 😊 we really should though! πŸ’•
I requested Ari for my first then sel they're both queens but like Ari 😍 and I honestly just put random stuff together πŸ˜‚ we should, what would you want to do?
saaammmmeee everyone on here is so creative and stuff it's fun to meet them
of course, would there be any specific style you'd want or no? and true!
yeah I understand I don't even know what to call it either πŸ˜‚ do you want to start it now? if so would you like to start or?
aha you're fine lovely 😊 it's almost 11 but I always stay up until like 5 because I do online school so I just kinda wake up whenever I wake up and I do all my schoolwork at like midnight πŸ˜‚
yeah! would a fresh indie theme be cool? or maybe rose gold or like a pale indie?
black and white 😊 it's easier to fit into themes so you can add different decorations and they kinda tie it all together
the pale indie is like a tanish theme
I don't have insta I'm sorry do you have anything else? I can get other apps though
I'll make an account then 😁 I have kik and Twitter though?
you probably fell asleep but here's the background sorry for spamming if I did idek remember πŸ˜‚
I'm sorry I'm sorry πŸ˜‚ I'm such a downer sometimes 😁 thank you so much though πŸ’˜
you're fine 😊 I love it
do you like this? I can change things and you can as well I was just singing it I didn't know what I was doing exactly πŸ˜‚
also on the favorite songs tag I misspelled your username I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking 😁
I don't feel as guilty now πŸ˜‚ for the collab did you want to add anything or is it fine? I can add stuff as well
thank you so so so much :) πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸŒΊπŸ’™πŸ’¦β˜„βœ¨πŸ’›πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œπŸ‡πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸΌπŸ’­