Hi 👋🏼 peoples.


Hi 👋🏼 peoples.

26 2
good morning
so do you want to roll play with me
*knocks on door, scared* "H-hello is anyone t-there?"
hi I'm Lilith
what's your name
so what are you doing here
well do you have any family near here
yea, my cousin
cool so why are you here and not with your cousin
she said that she was here
Emma: Kat hey cousin
Lilith: ok well I'm going to let you two talk
Emma: it's so good to meet you I've been waiting forever
so, hru?
I'z tired
Emma:hungry but let's get you to your room so you can sleep
(Emma and Lilith are vampires)
well this is your room
*starts to fall on the bed*
Emma:* smiles your blood * wow your blood smells amazing
Emma:do you mind if I have a little
Emma:* bites your wrist * mmmm
*shivers slightly*
*starts to turn pale* I don't feel so well
Emma:I'm sorry i haven't feed in a while
it's ok
Emma:here * gives you my wrist * drink my blood it will help
*takes ur wrist and bites it*
Emma doesn't move
*continues to suck ur blood*
Emma:ok ok that's enough
ur blood tastes so good.
*stops sucking ur blood*
I just stopped
thanks now you need to sleep
Lilith :your cousins blood smells so good Emma:I know
*starts waking up* w-what h-happened?
Lilith:so your cousin is out hunting so guess what
*runs to the bathroom and looks in the mirror* *screams* ahhhh!!
Lilith:what's wrong
*shouts from the bathroom* relatives
Lilith:umm what
*walks in the room* relatives
Lilith and Emma:is she ok
*starts to see stars* *whispers* help
Emma:did you bite her. Lilith:no I haven't
*starts panting* help.....me......plz
Emma:what do we do. Lilith:how am I supposed to know
*starts growing fangs* heeee
Lilith and Emma:what the heck
Lilith :well this is weird
*walks towards Lilith*
Lilith:what are you doing
*talks in a calming voice* oh nothing
Lilith:ok well you look hungry
I am
Lilith: and I don't like the way your looking at me
Lilith:why are you looking at me like I'm food
*my eyes start to turn gold*
*bites ur neck* mmmm ur blood tastes so good
Lilith:stop before I kill you
*stop sucking ur blood* sry I was just really hungry
Lilith:well you could have told us
sry next time I promise I will tell u
Lilith :good now sense you bit me it's only fair that I bite you in return
Lilith:so can I drink your blood
Lilith: * bites your neck *
*shudders and screams*
Lilith covers your mouth and keeps feeding
*feels very weak* stop
Emma pulls Lilith off of you
thx Emma
Emma:no problem
Emma:sorry about Lilith she hasn't feed in a while
it ok
Lilith:I'm still hungry
*runs to the bathroom and locks the door* *shouts* come and get me
*opens bathroom window and jumps* *screams* ahhhhhhhhh!!!
Lilith:well you should go get her
*stares into the window one last time* *sighs* bye
Emma:nop get back here
*looks u straight in the eye* *sarcastic* yay I'm a vampire
Emma:cmon let's go eat
Emma:so what's your favorite blood type
Emma:nice mine is b+
Lilith: look at that cute boy
*sees really hot boy* *gasps* .......
Lilith:go on he's all yours
*walks over to the boy* *whispers* don't worry this will only hurt a little
Ashton:*gets really scared* w-what r u going to do to me
Kat:*talks in a calming voice* don't worry, I'm just gonna feed
Ashton:*is really scared now* w-wait r u a v-vampire
Kat:*bites Ashton's neck* mmmm ur blood is so sweet
Lilith:hey save some for us
Ashton:*screams* ahhhhhhhhhhh
Lilith and Emma join you
Kat*stops feeding* Ashton, that wasn't so bad now was it
Ashton:No I guess not
Kat:C'mon have some of my blood
Ashton:*bites Kat's neck* mmmm ur blood is sweeter than mine
Lilith and Emma:is he a vampire to
Kat: yea he is
Ashton:*is confused* *whispers* who r they
Kat:*whispers* oh, ummm Emma is my cuz and Lilith is my friend
Lilith: and I am still hungry
Kat:Lilith, just feed off of me
Ashton:no, I will not allow it
Emma:remember she almost killed you
Kat:Since when did u become so over-protective over me
Kat and Ashton:We're gonna go
Lilith:but I'm still hungry
Kat*runs really fast* *yells* c'mon Ashton we don't have all day
Ashton:*yells* k, b right there in amp minute
Lilith:let's follow them
Ashton:*catches up with Kat* geez vampires run so fast
Kat:*opens door* well here we r
Ashton:*walks in and closes door* wow, nice place
Kat:*walks into the kitchen* *screams* ahhhhhhhhh
Ashton:*walks into the kitchen* w-what's the m-matter
Luke:*smirks and laughs* Kat, Kat, Kat
Kat:*yells at Luke* don't u ever sneak up on a vampire like that
Luke:*confused* w-wait
Calum:*grabs Kat's waist* *whispers* guess what I'm a vampire too
Kat:*bites Calum's neck and moans* ohh Calum
Michael:*grabs Kat off of Calum* Kat. Off. Of. Cal. Now.
Kat:*turns around and hisses at Michael* he's mine
Calum:*smirks* *blushes* actually,I kinda liked it
Kat:*smiles* *blushes* m-me t-too
Ashton and Luke:*stare at Calum and Kat confused* w-what just h-happened
Calum:*whispering* hey, u wanna go in ur room
Kat:*whispering* yea, so we can have some "fun"
Calum and Kat:*open bedroom door quickly then close it*
Calum:*pushes Kat on bed* *blushes* sry ur just so hot
Kat:*blushes* *kisses Calum hard and hungry* *moans* Calum
Calum:*blushes ever harder* *kisses Kat even harder* *moans* Kat
4 hours later
Luke:*knocks on door* hello? Kat? Calum? I know u guys r in there
Ashton:*breaks door down* *stares at Kat's naked body* ohh
Calum:*looks at what Ashton is staring at* *covers Kat with blanket* *yells at Ashton* hey. who said u could look at my girl
Luke:*starts yelling* hey. who said she was urs
Kat:*starts crying because really bad headache* owwwwww
Calum, Ashton, Luke, Michael:R u ok
Kat:no my head hurts really bad
Kat:and ur arguing isn't making it better
Calum:*talks in a soothing voice* shhhh....babe it's ok
Luke:*talks in a gentle voice* Kat? do u want us to leave
Ashton:*talks in a calm voice* we understand if u want us to leave
Michael:*talks in smooth voice* I'm sry. I'll leave if u want me to leave
Kat:*wraps arms around Calum's neck* *starts to fall asleep* Calum I wuv u
Calum:*kisses Kat's forehead* *lays down* guys, I think u should go
Ashton:Can we at least stay here 2night?
Michael:*notices that they r asleep* *whispers* guys, they r sleeping
Luke:*whispers* yea, so let's just go in the living room
Ashton, Luke, Michael:*open bedroom door and close it* *whispering* c'mon let's sleep on the couches
Lilith:good morning kat
Kat and Calum:*screaming* ahhhhhhh
Lilith:so cute
Kat:W-what r u doing here
Lilith:I'm here to see my boyfriend
Calum:*confused* is L-Luke ur boyfriend
Lilith:no Michael is
Michael:*walks into the bedroom* hey babe
Lilith:Michael do you know what time it is
Kat:*gets up and puts tank top and sweats on* *sees Mikey* oh hey, Mikey
Michael:*looks at Lilith puzzled* no w-what is it
Lilith:it's feeding time for me
Michael:*scared* p-please don't h-hurt me
Luke:*walks in the room* wasssup
Kat:*sees Luke* oh, how nice of u to get up on time. Lukas
Ashton*walks in room* hey
Calum:*gets up and puts on jeans* *sees Ashton* hey Ash
Michael:*sees no sign of Lilith* L-Lilith where the f-f**k r u?
Kat:*gives Mikey a dirty look* Shut the F**k up, Clifford
Michael:*gives Calum dirty look* hey. Hood, tell Ur girl That she Should go F**k herself
Calum:Y should I
Michael:*yells at Calum* because She's a Good 4 nothing B***ch
Kat:*runs to bathroom and locks door* *starts crying* y, oh, y does it have to b me
Kat:*grabs blade and starts cutting* *shouts* I should just die
Calum:*punches Mike* *yells at him* do U hear What u Have done
Luke and Calum:*run to bathroom and break down door* Kat stop
Ashton:Mike, don't u dare move
Michael:shut The f**k Up right Now, Irwin
Lilith bites Michael on the neck
Luke:*sits by Kat* *talks in soothing voice* Shh....don't cry
Calum:*takes blade away from Kat* *wipes away tears* ur gonna b ok
Kat:*smiles* I love u Hood
Calum:*smiles* and I love u Hodorowski
Lilith is still drinking Michael blood
Michael:*screams* ahhhhhhhhhhh
Lilith covers Michael mouth
Luke, Calum, Kat:*walk in the bedroom* hey
Ashton:*whispers* run
Lilith stops
Luke:*grabs Ashton's arm* *whispers* let's go to my place
Kat:*hops on Calum's back* *whispering* run, Calum, run
Lilith:hey Luke * bites Luke's wrist
Calum:*turns around and sees that Michael's a vampire* *screaming* ahhhhhhhhh, run he's hungry
Luke:*screams* Ashton help me
Ashton:*tries to pull Lilith off of his boyfriend * Lilith stop
Lilith:cmon Michael you need to feed
Michael:*grabs Lilith's wrist* don't scream baby
Lilith:why would I scream
Michael:*looks Lilith straight in the eye* *bites Lilith's wrist* mmm
Lilith:see I would never scream I'm your blood doll remember
Michael:oh yea, I guess I forgot
Lilith:did you also forget who turned me
Kat:*bites Calum's neck* mmm
Calum:*looks Kat straight in the eyes* babe I'm hungry
I like you☪️☪️☪️☪️☪️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Kat:*stops feeding* Calum you need to feed
Lilith:I'm done cmon Michael let's go
Calum:*bites Kat's neck* mmm
Calum:*stops feeding* Luke let's go to ur place
Lilith:so Michael did you miss me
Michael:yea, I missed u babe
Lilith:has anyone seen Michael I'm hungry
Ashton:*takes Luke's wrist and bites it* mmmmm
Luke:*screams* ahhhhhhhhh
Kat: umm.....I think he's in the bathroom
Ashton:*stops feeding* babe, u can stop screaming now
Lilith:ok thanks
Luke:*stops screaming* sry, I guess I forgot that I'm a vampire
Kat:ur welcome
Lilith:umm which bathroom
Kat:ummm mine and Cal's
Lilith:thank you
Kat:ur welcome
Calum:I need u
Kat:I need u too
Luke:guys....let's just go to my place
2 and 1/2 hours later
*at Luke's place*
Luke:well, here we r
Lilith:wow your house is huge
Lilith: what is that smell
Ashton:I think our dog s**t
Luke:Ash, honey, our dog, Fluffy is sleeping
*meanwhile in the bathroom*
Calum:*kisses Kat's neck* *moans* babe.....uhhh
Kat:*moans* baby.....ohh
Calum:*locks door* *smirks* Kat......
Kat:*traces hand up and down Calum's abs* *blushes* love u
Calum:*moans* ohhhhh * blushes*
Calum:*takes Kat's clothes off* *blushes* b-babe please suck my d**k as hard as u can
Kat:*blushes* k *starts to unzip Calum's jeans*
Kat:*takes Calum's boxers off* ohhh *blushes*
Calum:*whines* babe............
Kat:*starts to suck Calum's d**k*
Calum:*moans* ohh.....Kat..........ohh s**t
*20 minutes later*
Kat:*whines* baby......
Kat:*whines* u know what *blushes*
Calum:*realizing what Kat wants* ohhh
Calum:*starts eating Kat out*
Kat:*moans* ohhh....Calum.......ohhh f**k
*15 minutes later*
Calum and Kat:*walk out of the bathroom* hey guys
Luke:*sees Calum and Kat blushing like crazy* heyyy
Michael: hey where's Lilith
Ashton: *walks over to Kat* *pulls Kat's hair*
Kat:*feels Ashton pulling her hair* owww Ash stop
Luke:*smacks Ashton's wrist* no, bad Ash
Ashton:ow Lukas y
Calum:he smacked u because u pulled my girlfriend's hair
Kat: shut up, Hood
Calum: I love u
Luke:*kisses Ashton's neck* love u *blushes*
Calum:*notices that Kat's upset* babe what's wrong
Kat:* looks over at Calum* nothing
Luke, Calum, Michael, Ashton:*look over at Kat* something's definitely wrong
Calum:*grabs Kat's phone and reads the hate comments* *cries* nooooo
Luke:*reads hate comments* *cries* nooooooo
Ashton:*does the same thing as Luke and Calum* *cries* nooooooo
Michael:*does the same thing as Luke, Calum, and Ashton* *cries* noooo
Kat:*goes in Luke and Ashton's room and closes and locks door* *yells* come find me
Lilith:where is Michael
Michael:Lilith, sweetie, I'm right here.
Ashton:*knocks on door* Kat, r u in there?
Lilith:I've been looking for you
Lilith:Michael I'm hungry
Michael:*strokes Lilith's hair* sry
Michael:here bite my neck
Kat:*crying* yea. y?
Ashton:*listens to Kat crying* because, Cal's looking 4 u
Calum:*yelling from living room* Ash, where's Kat
Ashton:*yelling from bedroom* she's in here with me
Calum:*yells back* ok
Ashton:*walks into living room* she's crying
Calum:*realizing what happened* ummm........b right back
Lilith : your the best Michael
Michael:thx I know
Calum:*walks in Luke and Ashton's room* babe
Lilith:how about we sit down for my feeding
Kat:*fixing makeup* *fake smiles and turns around* heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy babe
Lilith:I love you Michael
Calum:*walks over to Kat and sits down* it's okay I'm here 4 u
Michael:I love 2 the sun and back
you really sure I can drink your blood
*meanwhile in the lovebirds room*
Kat:*looks Calum straight in the eye* then y did u kiss another girl
Lilith:* bites your neck *
Calum:*looks at the floor with watery eyes* I-I don't know........I g-guess I just wasn't t-thinking
Kat:*lifts Cal's head up* look at me
Calum:*looks Kat straight in the eye and starts to cry* I don't want to lose u
Kat:*looks at Cal and smiles* ur not ever going to lose
Calum:*smiles* u mean it
Kat:is a horse majestic?
Lilith:thanks Michael
Kat:that means yes
Michael:ur welcome
Lilith:so what do you want to do now
Lilith:your hungry Michael
Michael:*trying 2 lie* no I'm not
Lilith:Michael how long as it been since you last feed
Michael:ummm 2 days
*Calum and Kat walk in the living room*
Kat:guess who's relationship is perfect
Luke:I'm gonna guess urs
Ashton:well that's good
Lilith:Michael tell me the truth
Michael:fine I haven't fed in 2 weeks
Lilith:really Michael 2 weeks
Kat:Mikey, Lilith's right u need to feed
Lilith:thank you kat
Kat:ur welcome
Michael:*walks over to Lilith and starts to feed*
Calum:*kisses Kat's forehead* I love u so much baby
Lilith starts to feel weak
Michael:*stops feeding* that feels soooo much better
Kat:*kisses Calum passionately*
Michael:*picks Lilith up* r u ok babe
Luke and Ashton: awwwww
Lilith:I think you had to mu
Michael:sry baby girl
Michael:here drink mine
Lilith faints
Luke:*looks over at Ash* hey, Ash won't don't u ever kiss me like that
Kat:*calls 911* there's an ambulance on the way
*at the vampire hospital*
Lilith is asleep
Nurse:what happened
Luke:go on, tell her Mikey
Michael:I drank too much of her blood
Nurse:how much did u exactly drink
Michael:3 gallons
Nurse:quick We to pump fresh blood into her system
Lilith is even paler than before
Michael, Luke, and Ashton:*all look over at Calum* oh we know where we can get fresh blood
Calum:*stops what he's about 2 do* y r u all looking at me
Luke:Because u were about bite Kat's neck
Calum:so what I'm hungry
Ashton:so Lilith needs fresh blood in her system
Nurse:just let him bite her neck so I can transfer some her blood into Lilith's system
Michael:if it'll save my girlfriend
Nurse:it will
Calum:*bites Kat's neck*
Nurse:*puts tubes in Kat and Lilith's necks to save Lilith* ok that should hopefully save her
*20 minutes later*
Michael:she looks normal now
Kat:*can barely breathe* help..........
Nurse:whoops I forgot to unhook her from the machine
Nurse:*unhooks Kat from machine* there she should be able to fully breathe now
Calum:*carries Kat to car* c'mon babe let's go home
Kat:*gasps 4 air* ........
Luke:umm....Cal u might want to give her blood
Ashton:yea she doesn't look so good
Kat:*passes out*
Calum:Luke, bite my neck
Luke:*curious* y
Calum:just do it
Luke:*bites Calum's neck*
Calum:*lets blood drip down neck into Kat's mouth*
Kat:*wakes up confused* w-what happened
Calum:*sees tears in Kat's eyes* oh I just saved ur life
Luke:*kisses Ashton passionately*
Ashton:*quietly moans* oh........Luke
*meanwhile back at Luke and Ashton's*
Luke:*makes out with his boyfriend*
Ashton:*moans* Luuuuuuuuuuuuuke............f-f**k me
*46 minutes later*
Calum:babe talk to me
Kat:Cal, babe I don't think I can do "this" anymore
Lilith:what happened
Michael:ummm ........... u passed out because I drank too much of ur blood
Lilith:oh um are kat and cal ok
Lilith:ok well what's wrong
Calum:Kat, baby what do u mean by that
Luke:they've been fighting a lot lately
Michael:if they break up Cal will probably kill himself
Lilith:ok well that's not good
Kat:because he's been neglecting me lately
Lilith:what do you mean by that
Ashton:Cal, Kat please, please, please, please, please stop fighting
Kat:he's been...............
Luke:he's been ignoring her calls, ignoring her texts, basically ignoring her in general
Lilith:what he's been what
Ashton:he's been ignoring her calls, ignoring her texts, basically ignoring her in general
Lilith:where are my hugs
Michael:*walks over and hugs Lilith* I love u
Lilith:I love you to Michael
Calum:*tries to apologize to Kat* k-Kat listen to me.......
Kat:*tries to listen* f-fine
Ashton:*sees Kat crying* ...............
Lilith:umm Michael we should probably give them some alone time
Michael:I love u so much that doesn't have an end
Michael:I agree
Luke:c'mon Ash let's go
Lilith:so how did you all wake me up
Ashton:well u see Calum bit Kat's neck and then hooked both of u up to this machine
Ashton:the nurse hooked both of u up to a machine
Luke:and then some of her blood was transferred to u
Lilith:Kat do you feel ok
Michael:so u better thank us and Kat, but mostly Kat 4 saving ur life
thank you all so much
Kat:*smiles* yea
Michael, Calum, Luke, Ashton, Kat: ur welcome
Ashton:so is ur relationship ok 4 real this time
Lilith:umm Michael how much of my blood did you take
Michael:2 and 1/2 gallons
Lilith:and that is why you need to feed at least once a night
Calum:what babe
Kat:we should go
Luke:noooo, plz stay
Lilith: Michael you can't keep pushing your cravings down
Michael:*walks over to Lilith and bites her neck*
Calum:*bites Kat's wrist*
Lilith:Michael why now
Kat:really babe now
Michael:*stops feeding* sry babe haven't fed in 2 hours
Lilith:well you could have gone out to feed
Calum:*stops feeding* sry sweetie haven't fed in 3 hours
Ashton:*walks into the room* heyyyyyyy
Luke:Ash, where have u been
Lilith:and why not I just woke up and you drink my blood after you almost killed me
Michael:*yells* maybe I'll just splash holy water on myself
Lilith:Michael sometimes you are such a pain in the neck
Lilith :now let me go
Michael: u know I love u
Michael:*lets go of Lilith* there happy now?
Lilith:Michael can we go eat
Calum:what the f**k do u want
Kat:I want to cuddle
Calum:sry I just have a really bad headache
Kat:will my cuddling make it better
Calum:actually yea
there's no one outside
Lilith:where is everyone
Michael:*walks behind Lilith* boo
Lilith:don't scare me now where are all the people
Michael:I'm sry baby
Michael:they're inside
Lilith:tonight is the blood moon
Lilith: I know tonight is the one night that we can have as much blood as we want
Kat:*cuddles Calum* I love u
Lilith:alright I know exactly who I'm going to feed off first
Calum:*kisses Kat on the lips*
Lilith:you know that guy angel who keeps bothering me
*2 hours later*
Luke:*yelling* Cal, Kat wake up
Ashton:*pulls blanket off of Cal and Kat* yea what he said
Calum:*wakes up* heyyyyyyyyy Ash
Lilith:hi angel
Ashton:*looks down and sees Calum in his boxers* heyyyyyyyyyy
Kat:*wakes up* heyyyyyyy Ash
Lilith:can you please follow me
Ashton:*looks down and sees Kat in bra and sweatpants* heyyyyyyyyyy
Lilith and angel walk back to the house
Angel:so how have u been
Luke:*covers Calum and Kat back up* there u go
Lilith:I've been good guys I'm back
Michael:*yells to Lilith* hey wait 4 me
Lilith:sorry Michael
Kat:Luke bring me a victim
Luke:*brings Kat Niall* here u go
Lilith:I brought dinner for everyone
Michael:*annoyed* oh it's ok don't worry about it
Lilith:come in angel
Niall:*really scared* K-Kat what r u g-gonna do to m-me
Kat:oh I'm just gonna turn u into a vampire that's all
Niall:ok, but u cannot tell Liam
Lilith:ok so who's hungry
Kat:*bites Niall's neck* ur blood is soooooooooooooo good
Luke:looks like Kat is
Ashton:*calls Louis in the room* Louis get in here
Lilith looks at angel:it's time to eat
Louis:*walks in room* heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Lilith:Michael he doesn't understand
Calum:*bites Louis's neck* ur blood is soooooooooooooo sweet
Michael:Angel, we're all vampires
Lilith:angel do you know what vampires eat
Liam, Zayn, Hazza:*all walk in room* heyyyyyyyyyyyy guys
Hazza:*walks over to Luke* hey Luke
Luke:*bites Hazza's neck* mmmmm sweet
Zayn:*walks over to Ashton* hey Ashton
Ashton:*bites Zayn's neck* soooooooooooo sweet
Lilith:zayn Ashton you two hungry
Liam:I'm gonna say yes they r
Liam:*walks over to Michael* hey Michael
Michael:*bites Liam's neck* soooooooo good
Lilith:angel come here
Lilith:angel do you know what I'm gonna do
Angel:bite my neck
*everyone but Lilith stops feeding*
Lilith:your so smart angel
Lilith:so angel can I drink your blood
Lilith:anyone want to join me
good morning
good morning
so what are you doing
thinking 💭 about how I want to kill myself
I'll try
he actually gave her his eyes so she could see
you still there
hello I'm here
hi are you there
good morning
I'm here are you
so what are you doing
wishing I was dead 💀
because my life is so horrible
you should read the book series vampire kisses it's awesome
I'll try and if it's in my town's library 📚
so do you want roll play more
does later sound 🔊 good 😊 to u?
hi I'm here
I'm in my 7th hour rn
so how about we roll play
how about when I get home 🏡 from school?
I won't be able to
will u b out feeding?
no I'm getting ready for something
oh, ok
what did I make you curious
well that's interesting
tell me why
because I get worried 😩 about u sometimes
well you don't have to worry about me
so I have two hours till I have to go
so what do you want to do
well let's roll play
so you can start
Ashton*listening to music* I wish I had a girlfriend
Lilith * reading a book not paying attention *
Ashton:*goes in bathroom and locks door* no tears 2night *screams* ahhhhhh
Lilith:Emma is Ashton ok Emma:I don't know
Kat:*runs in living room* *worried* what happened and who screamed
Lilith:Ashton screamed
Ashton:*opens door with tear rolling down his face* no
Kat:is he ok
Angel:where is my blood doll. Lilith:I'm right here my angel of darkness
Angel:where's Ashton
Ashton:*closes and locks door again* I'm worthless *grabs blade and starts cutting*
Kat:he locked himself in the bathroom
Lilith:well I'm going to feed my boyfriend cmon Angel. Angel:coming
you still there
yea, I'm still here
ok well let's continue
Ashton:*cuts so deep till he can barely breathe* I'm ok
Angel:Lilith give me your wrist. Lilith:ok* Lilith gives angel her wrist and angel bites her and drinks her blood
Kat:*knocks on door* Ash r u o-okay
Ashton:*quickly wraps bandage around his arm* yea
Kat:*opens bathroom door* no ur not
Ashton:*starts crying* I-I just c-can't do t-this anymore
Kat:*hugs Ashton tightly* yes u can Ash
Ashton:*picks up phone and calls Luke* *on the phone with Luke* hey
Luke:*on the phone with Ashton* hey Ash
Lilith:hey Kay is ash ok
Kat:*looks over at Lilith* no
Ashton:*still on the phone with Luke* I-I started self-harming again
Luke:*worried* Ashton Fletcher Irwin, u what
Lilith:you should talk about how you feel when he does that
Ashton:*cries even harder* I cut really deep
Luke:Ash d-don't move I-I'll be right o-over
Kat:ok I will tell him to stop
Ashton:*cries a little more* k thx
Lilith:his blood smells so good I have to go eat or I'll drain ash dry
Luke:see u in a bit bye
Ashton:*hangs up* Luke's coming over
???:hello Lilith
Kat:he's already hurt to much though
Lilith:I thought I killed you
???:nope I'm still here
Luke:*walks in bathroom and sees Ash's scars* *starts crying* Ash y
Kat:*runs out of the bathroom and into the road* *crying* I can't b alive
Luke:*runs outside and pushes Kat out of the way* r u ok
Kat:*looks at Luke with watery eyes* u know I'm not ok
Luke:*remembers what happened* oh yea ur right
*3 months ago*
Calum:*recording Kat* Kat sag hi
good morning
I'm here
Lilith:how's ash
Luke:umm depressed
Lilith:well can I come in to see him
Ashton:*gives Kat really big hug* thx 4 helping me
Lilith:hi ash I brought you a meal
Ashton:thx Lilith
*present day*
Kat:I miss Cal soooooooo much
Michael:we know
Lilith is now a mother and she has a daughter named Hannah
Lilith:hi everyone come meet my daughter Hannah
Hannah:hi I'm 4
Kat:Hi, I'm 20
Hannah:hi am I cute
Luke:Yea, in fact ur adorable
Hannah:hi what's your name
Hannah:hi I'm 4 years old
Ashton:hi, I'm 22
Hannah:wow your all so tall
Ashton,Kat,Luke:thx and ur so adorable
Hannah:thank you do you want to play hide and seek I'm really good at it
Hannah:ok kat you count and we'll hide
Kat:*starts counting* 1......2.........3..........4
are you on
now I am
Hannah is hiding
Kat:*continues counting* 5.......6........7...........8.............9.............10
Hannah:I love hide and seek
Lilith:you will never find her
Luke:don't b 2 sure about that
Lilith:she is the best at this game
Ashton:just like me when I was younger
angel:hi everyone
Ashton:Hi Angel
Lilith:kat you should go find Hannah
Kat:ok ready or not here I come Hannah
Kat:*hears Hannah giggling* found you
Hannah:wow no one has ever found me
Kat:let's go find Ashton
Hannah:found you ash
Ashton:aww man
Ashton:let's go find Luke
Kat:found you Luke
Hannah has not learned how to control her cravings
Luke:I guess ur too good at this game,Kat
Hannah :ash will you carry me
Luke:*bites his lip seductively* if so hot
Hannah:haha wee
Ashton:*carries Hannah around the house* ur soon adorable
Hannah gets closer to ashes neck
Lilith:um ash you should put her down
Kat:*walks over to Luke and whispers in his ear* *whispers* if u want this body u gotta chase me
Luke:*whines* but I don't wanna
Ashton:*puts Hannah on the couch*
Ashton:Well I'm gonna go in the kitchen and get some blood
Hannah:mommy why Lilith:because you were about to bite ash
Luke:Fine I guess I will chase u
Hannah:but he smells good mommy
Kat:*starts making out with Luke*
Hannah:ash you smell good
Luke:*pulls away* Jesus, how can u hold ur breath 4 that long
Lilith:ash Hannah said that you smile yummy
Ashton:oh I know
Kat:I'm gonna go take a shower
Luke:*picks out something sexy 4 Kat 2 wear* there u go
Hannah:I'm hungry
Ashton:*calls Lilith* Lilith
Lilith:yes ash
Ashton:Hannah's hungry
Kat:*walks in bedroom* really Luke
Hannah:I want ash to feed me. Lilith:ash do you mind
Hannah:yay thx ash
Hannah bites ash on the wrist
Ashton:*winces in pain* owwwwwwwww
Luke:what I'm hxrny what do u expect
Kat:*kisses Luke's neck and moans* uhhhhh
Hannah:thank you ash
Ashton:ur welcome Hannah
Lilith:cmon Hannah time for your nap
Hannah:kk bye everyone
angel:anyone want to go feed
Lilith:I do I'm hungry
Kat:no thx I'm good
Lilith:has anyone seen Michael I want him to meet Hannah
Lilith:Michael come here I want you to meet my daughter Hannah
Michael:nice to meet u Hannah
Hannah:hi I'm 4
Michael:Hi I'm 20
Hannah:I'm hungry
are you still there
sry I was sleeping 😌
that's fine
rp later?
can we roll play
?????:h- hello is anyone here
sry I was in gym
it's ok
???:hello is anyone here
Lilith: hi who are you
Bella:hi I'm Bella
Lilith:hello Bella what are you doing here
Bella:oh I'm Kat's cousin
Lilith:kat your cousin is here and she smells really good
Kat:*yells from bedroom* ok
Luke:*walks in bedroom* hey
Kat:*pushes Luke on bed* ur just sooooooooo sexy
Lilith:Kat can I drink her blood
Kat:sure. Bella:Kat,y
Lilith thanks kat
Lilith bites Bella
so Bella how old are you
cool so are you a vampire
wow that's cool
Hannah:mommy who is that
Kat:*whispers* let's go Luke
Luke:*whispers* ok
Lilith:this is Bella
Bella:what's ur name, ur so adorable
Hannah:I'm Hannah and I'm four
Bella:nice to meet u Hannah
Hannah:I'm hungry mommy
Kat and Luke:*start walking outside* I love u. jinx
Kat:*starts dancing and singing 'Heartbreak Girl'* U call me up
Kat:*still singing* it's like a broken record saying that ur heart hurts
Kat:that u would never get over him getting over u
Luke:*recording Kat* *laughing* hahahahahahahaha
Kat:and u end up crying and I end up lying
Kat:'cause I'm just a sucker for anything that u do
Luke:*still laughing* hahahahahahahaha
Kat:and when the phone call finally ends
Kat:u say,"thx for being a friend" and we're in circles again and again
Kat:I dedicate this song to u
Luke:*laughs even harder* HaHaHaHaHaHaHa
Kat:the one who never sees the truth
Kat:that I can take away ur hurt
Lilith:kat where are the blood bags
Kat:Heartbreak Girl
Luke:*laughs so hard to where he starts coughing* HAHAHAHAHAHA *coughs*
Luke:*stops coughing* ummm she's busy singing, but they're in the freezer
Kat:I bite my tongue, but I wanna scream out,"u can b with me now"
Lilith:thank you Luke
Kat:but I end up telling u what u want to hear
Luke:Kat, baby, ur killing me
Kat:but ur not ready and it's so frustrating
Kat:he treats u so bad and I'm so good to u it's not fair
Hannah:I don't want cold blood I want fresh blood
Luke:ur welcome Lilith
Kat:and when the phone call finally ends
Kat:u say,"I'll call u tomorrow at ten"
Kat:and I'm stuck in the friend zone again and again
Luke:ur gonna make me not able to breathe
Kat:I dedicate this song to u
helllooo 👏🏼👊🏾
Kat:the one who never sees the truth
Kat:that I can take away ur hurt
Lilith:Luke can you come feed Hannah please
Lilith:thank you
Kat:Heartbreak Girl
Calum:*walks up behind Kat* hehe
Kat:*jumps into Calum's arms* I know someday it's gonna happen
Hannah:Luke I'm hungry
Luke:here bite my neck
Kat:*has a huge smile on her face* and u will finally forget the day u met him
Hannah bites Luke on the neck
Kat:I get it through ur head that u belong with me instead
Luke:*screams inside his head*
Kat:I dedicate this song to u
Hannah:thank you Luke
Luke:ur welcome
Kat:the one who never sees the truth
Kat:that I can take away ur hurt
Kat:Heartbreak Girl
Lilith:Luke where is angel
Kat:hold u tight straight through the daylight
Kat:I'm right here when u gonna realize
Lilith:kat where is angel
Kat:that I'm ur cure
Kat:Heartbreak Girl
Calum:*smiles* I love u
Calum:hey Lilith
Lilith:hi umm where is angel
Kat:I dedicate this song to u
Calum:I saw him walk inside
Kat:the one who never sees the truth
Kat:that I can take away ur hurt
Kat:Heartbreak Girl
Lilith:thank you
Calum:ur welcome
Kat:hold u tight straight through the daylight
Kat:I'm right here when u gonna realize
Calum:*keeps smiling* I love u so much
Kat:that I'm ur cure
Kat:Heartbreak Girl
Calum:*sees Luke* uh-oh
Lilith:angel where are you
Kat:What's wrong Cal Pal
Angel:*pokes Lilith's shoulder* hey
Lilith:I've been looking for you everywhere
Angel:sry I've been out feeding
Lilith:oh well you should have told me
Calum:*pus Kat down and hides* bye
Luke:I saw u and Cal
Kat:f**k u
Angel:next time I will tell u
Lilith:so angel do you know what time it is
Luke:I'm in love with u
Kat:I know
Luke:but........u have a boyfriend
Kat:I know
Angel:feeding time
Kat:u know I can't cheat on him
Angel:I know ur hungry
Calum:*walks up to Kat and grabs her by the waist* hey
Lilith:yep I'm really hungry
Kat:hey babe
Angel:drink as much of my blood as u want
Luke:*sighs* huh
Lilith :really
Lilith:remember the last time you let me drink as much as I wanted you almost died
Lilith:so why are you doing this
Angel:because I'm in love with u Lilith
Calum:what's wrong Luke
Luke:*mumbles* nothing
Lilith:you know I'm taken right
Luke:*mumbles again* nothing
question how long have you loved me
Calum:*yells at Luke* tell me what's wrong right now
Luke:it's just no one could ever love me because I'm so stupid, ugly, fat, and doesn't deserve to live
Angel:ever since the day we met
Lilith:why didn't you tell me
Ashton and Michael:*run outside* what's going on
Angel:I guess I was scared to tell u
Calum:Luke wants to kill himself
Michael:*notices that Luke's gone* hey, where's Luke
Kat:I'll brb
Ashton:where's she going
aww that's cute * kisses you on the cheek
Angel:*blushes* thx
well let's get started
Kat:*runs to bathroom and breaks down door* Luke stop
Luke:*walks outside with Kat* sry
Kat:*crying* ur my best friend and I care about u too much
give me your wrist
bites your wrist softly
Calum, Michael, Ashton:*listen to Kat and Lukey crying* something bad happened
Angel:that feels good
bites harder
Kat:c'mon let's go to the other boys
*3 minutes later*
Calum:*sees his girlfriend crying* come here princess
Lilith still drinking:mmm
Kat:*walks over to Calum* *still crying* I-I tried t-to stop h-him
Angel:*feels weak* I'm fine
Calum:*hugs Kat as tight as he can* it's ok
Calum:*calms Kat down* it's ok u will be fine don't forget how much I love u
Angel:this is nice
Ashton:*walks over to Kat* need another hug
Lilith:have I had to much
Kat:*shakes head yes* h-he's my b-best friend a-and I c-care about h-him a l-lot
Lilith:ok good * bites your neck
Michael:*hugs Luke extremely tight* *crying* d-don't u e-ever do t-this ever a-again
Luke:*still crying* i-it's hard f-for me t-to not l-listen to a-all the h-haters
Angel:I love this new feeling
bites harder
Ashton:*wipes away Kat's tears* ur ok now
Calum:I don't ever wanna see my angel cry
Michael:*wipes away Luke's tears* ur ok now
Angel:*feels knees start trembling* I'm fine
Ashton,Michael,Calum,Luke,Kat:*give each other a big group hug* I don't think I'll b the same again
keeps feeding
Ashton:*looks over at Calum* Cal
Calum:*looks over at Ashton* yea Ash
Ashton:could u give me and Kat a minute or two alone
Angel:*falls to the ground* I'm still okay
doesn't stop
Luke:I wanna go inside
Michael:don't worry Luke we're gonna go inside
Angel:*passes out*
*2 seconds later*
Ashton:*looks Kat in the eyes* I love u *blushes*
Lilith is still feeding when you come inside
Kat:*looks Ashton in the eyes* I love u too *blushes*
Luke:*lies down on couch and falls asleep*
Ashton:*cups Kat's face* ur so beautiful
Lilith:hi everyone
Kat:*wraps arms around Ashton's neck* thx
Ashton:*kisses Kat's soft, warm lips*
Kat:*doesn't move*
Lilith:where have you been
*2 minutes later*
Lilith goes back to feeding
Ashton:ummm..........wow *blushes 10 times more*
Kat:that was............wow *blushes 9 times harder*
Lilith :anyone wanna finish my meal
angel is unconscious
Calum:I'll join u
Calum:*drinks Angel's blood*
Lilith:joins you
Kat:yea ash
Lilith:I'm done
Ashton:wanna go get some ice cream
Kat:I'd love to
Lilith:angel are you still alive
Angel:*wakes up* hey
Lilith:ok your alive that's good
Angel:what happened
Lilith:umm asked calum i am going to check on Hannah
Kat:let's go
Angel:Calum what happened
Calum:u let Lilith drink ur blood
Lilith:Hannah are you awake
Kat:*smiles and looks at Ashton* ur so adorable
Ashton:*smiles and looks at Kat* thx and do r u
Ashton:ur so beautiful
Kat:*blushes* thx *giggles* heeee
Ashton:u have such a cute giggle
Kat:*blushes harder* thx
Lilith:Hannah is still asleep
Ashton:*kisses Kat on the cheek* ur an angel *blushes*
Lilith: and I'm sleepy
Kat:awwww thx Ash now let's go inside
Michael:u go to be, I'll feed her if she wakes up
Ashton:so what kind of ice cream do u want
Kat:mint chocolate
Ashton:is that ur fav
Kat:yes actually
Ashton:no way that's my fav too
Kat:I'm gonna go sit down
hi I'm here
Hannah:mommy can I go outside and play
Lilith:can someone go outside with Hannah and play with her
Ashton:*ordering ice cream* hi can I get 2 mint chocolate cones
Lilith:ash get me a peppermint ice cream
Bethany:*points to Kat* is that ur girlfriend over there
Hannah:Beth can we hide and seek
Bethany:oh......u know I just figured
Ashton:and can I also get a peppermint cone
Bethany:sry Hannah not right now
Hannah:but I want someone to play with me
Bethany:how about u go find Brittany
Bethany:*hands Ashton ice cream* there u r Mr......
Bethany:Mr. Irwin
Hannah:Brittany can we go outside and play
Brittany:Well if it isn't little Miss Hannah.........sure
Kat:*walks over to Ash and takes ice cream* I'll take that
Lilith:don't forget about me where's my ice cream
Ashton:I didn't forget
Ashton:*hands Lilith her ice cream* here Lil
Lilith:yay Lilith is happy now
Hannah:cmon Brittany let's go play hide and seek
Kat:Lilith ur so funny
Ashton:we should probably get the other boys something
Lilith:where's angel
Brittany:*picks Hannah up and carries her outside* we're gonna have so much fun
Angel:right behind u
Hannah:don't drop me
Lilith:don't scare me angel now come sit down next to me
Brittany:I won't
Kat:hey ash can we go outside
*2 minutes later*
Ashton:so why'd u wanna come outside anyway
Kat:to do this
Ashton:*confused* what do u mean by that
Kat:*leans in and passionately kisses Ashton*
good morning
Lilith:angel I'm hungry
Angel:so am I
Lilith:well if you want to feed your gonna have to catch me
Lilith:cmon angel it's feeding time for both of us
Lilith:can I feed first please
thank you
Angel:no problem
so where can I feed
Angel:ummmmmmmm..........my parent's house
*3 hours later*
Ashton:I wish that u and Cal weren't dating
Kat:meeeeeeeeee toooooooooooo
Lilith:wow angel your house is big
Calum:ummm..........hello I'm right here
so guess what
Angel:idk, what
feeding time * jumps on top of you *
Angel:*screams* ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Calum:babe, come here
bites your neck hard
Angel:*screams louder* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kat:*walks over to Cal* I love u
starts to drink all your blood
Angel:*slowly fades* bye
Lilith: no one is ever drinking my blood again
Angel:Lilith ur killing me
Calum:don't cry beautiful
Lilith:I stopped
Angel:thank u
Lilith:but I have one thing to say so listen no one is going to drink my blood ever again
got it
Angel:yes madame
Lilith:good now let's go back
Lilith:we're back where's my Hannah
Kat:in the living room playing with Ashton
Ashton:Hannah ur so adorable
Hannah:thank you
Ashton:ur welcome
may:I'm may have any of you seen my brother angel
Kat:Angel? oh he's in the kitchen
may :angel are you in here
may:angel I've been worried about you are you ok(she doesn't know that angel is a vampire)
may : are you ok
Angel:yea I'm fine
may:angel why are your eyes red
Angel:oh, don't worry May. they're just contacts
may:ok well I'm glad your safe
may:hi I'm may
Angel:I know
Kat:hi. I'm Kat
may:so how many people live here
Kat:well there's me, Angel, Lilith, Michael, Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Lilith's 4-year-old daughter Hannah.
Hannah:hi I'm Hannah and I'm four
Angel:Hannah this is my sister May. May this is Lilith's 4-year-old daughter, Hannah.
may:awww she's adorable
Angel:I know
Hannah:angel up up up
Angel:*picks Hannah up* ur soooooooooo cure
Angel:cute, I meant to say , cute
Hannah:she pretty
may:can I hold her
Hannah wrappers her arms around you
Angel:what's the matter Hannah
Hannah:I'm hungry angel
Angel:go find ur daddy
Hannah:daddy I'm hungry
Norman:well here bite my wrist
may:what did he say
Angel:he said bite my fish
may:umm ok mark:fresh blood
May:angel I'm scared
mark:hey angel who's the girl
Angel:that's Lilith
no:the girl next to you
may:I'm his sister
Kat:well Cal and I r gonna go in our room
mark grabs mays arm
may:angel help
Angel:*punches Mark in the face* ur safe now May
may:thank you brother
Angel:ur welcome sis
may:why did he say fresh blood
Angel:may if I tell u promise I won't freak out
may:of course I promise
Angel:we're all vampires
may:ok good joke brother
Angel:I'm not joking
may passes out
Angel:* tries to wake May up* c'mon May wake up
may:this can't be real
Angel:ohhh it's real
may:ok so if you are a vampire then show me
Angel:*hisses so fangs show* heeeeee
may:I I'm trying not to scream
Angel:ohhh I'm not gonna hurt my younger sister
may:I know you won't but what about everyone else
Angel:I promise I won't let them hurt u
may:thank you brother
Angel:ur welcome sis
mark:hi angel she is cute and smells good to
Angel:mark stay away from her
mark:but why she looks so good
Angel:because she's my younger sister and I want to protect her
mark:well is she one of us
mark:then maybe she should be turned
Angel:stay away
Kat:*makes out with Calum*
mark:and who better than her own brother
Angel:no, please
may:owe my née
Calum:*moans* ohhhhhh s**t, ohhhhhhhh f**k
Angel:*crying* nooooo
may:angel my knee hurts
Angel:May go sit down on the couch
may:my knee is bleeding
Angel:*wraps bandage around May's knee* there u go
mark:what a sweet aroma
Angel: shut up mark
may:angel if I asked you to turn me would you
Angel:yes may i would
may :then would you turn me
Angel:*bites May's neck*
Angel:*laughs* hahaha
may:angel why are you laughing
Angel:ohh nothing
may :ttyl
good morning
may:oww my neck hurts
Angel:sry sis
may:I'm hungry
Angel:*calls Ashton* Ashton get in here
Ashton:*walks in room* yea
Angel:May's hungry
may:angel I'm hungry
may:ash you need a shower
Angel:bite my neck sis
Ashton:*walks in bathroom* well *locks door and turns on water* time 4 a shower
may:umm why
may:why would I bite your neck
Angel:I sorta turned u into a vampire
may:I thought that was a dream
may:so I'm a vampire now
Ashton:*steps in shower* *singing* she said to me forget what u thought 'cause good girls r bad girls that haven't been so just turn around and forget what u saw 'cause good girls r bad girls that haven't been caught
may:ash is a good singer
Ashton:I don't even like u why'd u want to go and make feel this way
may:so do I always have to drink blood
Ashton:I don't understand what's happened I keep saying things I never say
Angel:if u wanna stay alive
may:can't I just eat normal food
Angel:well u can have ice cream
Ashton:I can feel u watching even when ur no where to be seen and I can feel u touching even when ur far away from me
Ashton:tell me where ur hiding ur voodoo doll 'cause I can't control myself
Ashton:I don't wanna stay I wanna run away but I'm trapped under ur spell
Ashton:and it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest and I'm having trouble catching my breath
Ashton:ohh-ohh won't u please stop loving me to death
may:angel I'm sorry
Angel:about what
Ashton:I don't even see my friends no more 'cause I keep hanging out with u
Ashton:I don't know how u kept me up all night or how I got this tattoo
Ashton: I can feel u watching even when ur no where to be seen
*may bites your wrist *
Angel:*screams* ahhhhh
Ashton:I can feel u touching even when ur far away from me
Ashton:tell me where ur hiding ur voodoo doll 'cause I can't control myself
Angel:*stops screaming* whoa
Ashton:*gets out of shower and gets dressed* hey
may is still drinking
Ashton:hey guys
may can't talk
Ashton:I'm gonna go find Kat
may:oh my god it's so good
Ashton:*sneaks up behind Kat*boo
Kat:*screams* ahh ash
may:I'm still hungry angel
Angel:bite my other wrist
may:I want someone's else's blood
Luke:*walks in room* I need to feed
may:so do I
Luke:bite my neck
may bites Luke's neck
Luke:*screams* ahhhhh
Ashton:*looks around* where's Calum
Kat:*starts tearing up* w-we broke u-up
Luke:*stops screaming* whoa
may bites down harder
Luke:*screams again* ahhhhhh
Kat:*cries* he broke my heart
Ashton:don't cry
may doesn't stop
Luke:*passes out*
Kat:*hugs Ashton* I love u
may is still feeding
Ashton:*wipes Kat's tears away* there u go
Kat:*kisses Ashton's lips* I love u
Ashton:*blushes* I love u too *giggles* hahaha
Kat:let's go in my room
may let's go
Kat:well here we r
may:I want to play where's Hannah
Luke:behind the couch
Ashton:*closes and locks door* there
Hannah:hehe may:Hannah do you want to play with me. Hannah:ok
Kat:let's watch tv
Ashton:I can think of something else we can do
I'm here
I'm bored
good morning
Lilith:has anyone seen Hannah
Kat:what do u have in mind
Ashton:*bites lip seductively* oh I don't know
Lilith:ash where's Hannah
kat have you seen Hannah anywhere
Kat:I think she's playing with Angel and May
Ashton:czar we plz have some privacy
Lilith:ok ok I'm going
Lilith:angel may where are you
Lilith:angel where's Hannah
Angel:we're behind the couch
Ashton:*kisses Kat's neck* hi
Lilith:Hannah its nap time
Kat:*moans* ohhhhh ash
Hannah:but I don't want to take a nap
Ashton:*kisses Kat hard and hungry*
Lilith:after your nap you can have a cookie
Kat:*moans a little louder* uhhhhhh ash
Ashton:*smirks* call me daddy
Hannah:it's nap time for me
Kat:f**k the s**t outta me daddy
Lilith:she will do anything for a cookie
Ashton:we're in the middle of something
Lilith:I finally got her to sleep so angel guess what
Angel:feeding time
Ashton:*squeezes Kat's b**b* moan 4 me
Kat:*moans* daddy
Ashton:*sticks hand in Kat's panties* ur sooo wet baby girl
Lilith:what are they doing up there
Kat:*moans louder* hump me, f**k me, daddy better make me choke
Lilith:can you go tell them to be quiet
Angel:*walks up stairs* whoa that's a lot of stairs *knocks on door* can u guys plz keep it down
Ashton:sry I'll try and tell her to quiet down
Lilith:what were they doing
Angel:they were getting ready to f**k
Ashton:baby girl u need to quiet down a little
Kat:*sees bulge in Ashton's jeans* ok daddy
ok well * bites your wrist
Angel:*whisper-screams* ahhhhhhh
Kat:*grabs Ashton's d**k* moan now
Ashton:*moans* ohhh baby girl
much better
Kat:I love u daddy
I'm bored what do you think to do angel
Angel:let's go to the park
but the sun is out
Angel:how about the garage
Ashton:baby girl daddy wants u to ride him
Kat:ok daddy
Ashton:I'm so hxrny
Kat:*takes Ashton's jeans and boxers off* there now ur completely naked
Ashton:ur right *takes Kat's bra and panties off* so r
Kat:*climbs on top of Ashton* I make sure that u get most of the pleasure daddy
Ashton:*puts Kat on his d**k* there u go baby girl now plz, plz ride me
Kat:*starts riding Ashton* there u go,daddy *moans* ohhhh ash
Ashton:*closes eyes and moans* ohhhhh Kat
Ashton:h-harder f-faster
Kat:*rides Ashton harder and faster* *moans* uhhhhhh
*2 hours later*
Ashton:*sighs* huh that was great
Kat:I agree
Ashton:*hears knock at the door* uh-oh
Calum:*bursts in room* Ashton y r u sleeping with my girl
Kat:Cal we broke up remember
Calum:y r u guys........never mind
Ashton:*sees Kat sleeping on his chest* aww *whispers* she's mine now so get out
calum can you feed Hannah please
good morning
*4 hours later*
Ashton:hey Kat wanna make out *smirks*
Luke:*walks in room* hey
Ashton:*notices Luke standing there* hey Luke
Kat:*kisses Ashton passionately*
Ashton:*kisses back and giggles* hehehe
Luke:*stares at them* ok then
Michael:*walks in room* heyyyyyyyy
hi I'm here
thx for feeding Hannah Calum
Calum:ur welcome
Michael where are you
Bella:c'mon Luke let's go
Luke:hold on Bella
Lilith:Michael I'm hungry
good morning Michael
Michael:good morning Lilith
I'm watching once upon a time
*20 minutes later*
Kat:Ash let's go outside
Ashton:ok only because it's starting to storm
Kat:*runs downstairs in tank top and shorts* hey
Ashton:*runs after her and takes her outside* woo-hoo
Hannah:kat mommy is sick she wants you
Kat:*runs to Lilith's room* hey Lil what's the matter
Lilith:I'm diying and I need you to take care of Hannah
Kat:everyone'll miss u too much
Kat:*runs outside into Ash's arms* *crying* can u just take me out of my misery
Hannah:what is wrong with mommy
Kat:*looks at Hannah* ur mommy's dying
Hannah:is there a way to save her
Kat:*thinking* we could give her all of my blood
Luke:*runs outside* what's wrong Ash
Hannah:please save my mommy
Kat:let's give Lilith have of my blood
Hannah:Kat thank you
Kat:ur welcome
Hannah is next to Lilith's bed
Lilith is starting to fade
Michael:*bites Kat's neck* sooo good
Hannah:mommy please be ok
Kat:*slowly fades* help...............me..........
Lilith starts to wake up
Hannah:mommy is waking up
Kat:*runs upstairs and locks bedroom door* haha
Lilith isn't awake
Michael:*bites his wrist* owwwwwww
Luke:*runs upstairs and breaks down bedroom door* Kat stop
Kat:*sees Luke and feels weak* Luke.................help...................me....................plz
Hannah:mommy wake up
Michael:*gives a lot of his blood to Lilith* I............can't............ breathe.....
Luke:*runs over to Kat and holds her tight* what were u doing
Kat:I was putting some of my emergency blood back into my system
Luke:ohhhhhhh ok
Hannah is crying
Hannah: is mommy gonna die
may:everyone come quick
may:it's Lilith she's gone
Hannah:is mommy dead
Luke:r u ok Kat
Angel:that's terrible. Hannah I'm afraid ur mommy's dead
Kat:does it look like I'm ok
Hannah:mommy we have to do something I love mommy
Michael:Kat will b ur new mommy
isn't there anything else that we can do
Ashton:doesn't look like it
Hannah:if mommy dies I'm going with her
Calum:don't say that Hannah
Hannah bites her wrist
Ashton:*calls Kat downstairs* Kat babe come here
Kat:*runs downstairs and into Ashton's arms* I love u
Ashton:I love u too
Hannah falls on the floor
Lilith walks out side
Kat:Ash let's go to Australia
Lilith:it's ok Hannah
Kat:let's walk to the car
Lilith:ash Kat where are you going
Kat:we're going to Australia
Ashton:just don't tell the other boys
Luke:*walks outside* where r u 2 going?
Ashton:*lies* ummm........we're just going to the store
ok well where's Hannah
Kat:Hannah's inside playing with Michael
Ashton:*starts car* c'mon Kat let's go
Kat:*gets in car* byeeeeeeeeeeeee
Luke can you go get Hannah
Hannah: I'm all alone now that my mommy is gone
Luke:u will be fine
but my mommy is dead
Luke:no she isn't she's just sleeping
mommy is alive
Luke:yea she's alive
*3 hours later*
Kat:yay we r in Sydney
Ashton:yep and guess what
Ashton:we r also alone
Kat:let's go to our hotel
Ashton:*face times Michael* hey Mikey guess where we r
Michael:*hears Aussies talking* I'm gonna guess Australia
Kat:hi mike
Michael:hi Kat
Kat:I love u Ash
Ashton:I love u more baby girl
Hannah:where's Kat Michael
Michael:I'm right here and I can hear everything
Ashton:bye Mikey
Michael:bye Ash
Ashton:yea baby girl
Kat:we need to go to the hotel like now
Lilith:I'm bored Michael do you want to play
Lilith:cmon Michael let's go play
I'm so bored
I can't wait for Sunday night
r u sick
yes and my mom still made me go to school
that must suck.
it does
it's ok
I want to move to Australia
because I can't live in America anymore
why not
because I can't deal with most of the people here
I'm hungry
do you watch once upon a time
once in awhile y
Michael:Kat's in Australia
Kat:*opens hotel room door*
Ashton:*kisses Kat's neck* *moans* uhhh babe
Kat:*closes hotel room door* *moans* ohhh daddy
Ashton:*pushes Kat and on bed* baby girl I'm so f***king hxrny 4 u
Kat:*takes Ashton's flannel off* daddy can I ride u
Ashton:of course u can baby girl
*20 seconds later*
Kat:*climbs on top of Ashton* *starts to ride him* *moans* d-daddy
Ashton:*moans* ohhhhhhhhhh f**k me baby girl
I'm here
I wrote a song do you want to read it
wow just wow
do you like it
yea it's beautiful
thank you
ur welcome
u should check out my last eat post
I also have a couple of short stories do you want to read them
later k
can I send you my stories now
they were very creative
thank you
ur welcome
I'm in Spanish
are you ok
what's wrong
well let's take about it
are you on
I fist got abused when I was 5.
ok keep talking
I get bullied a lot at school.
what else
I still cut.
I don't know what that means
I still cut my arm.
oh ok
check out my new post
F**king dieis what they told me.
I'm doing it
so no talking
is your school doing it
look at my new post
good morning
I'm so bored
Lilith:when are they going to be back
*3 hours later*
Ashton:*puts boxers on* there we go
Hannah is sleeping on the couch
Michael:Ash said that they would b back in four days
Luke:where's Kat and Ash?
Lilith:ok well can you put Hannah into her bed
Michael:y sure I can Lilith
Lilith thank you
Kat:*puts bra and panties on* there we go not I'm not completely naked anymore
Lilith is in Michael's bedroom
Michael:*walks in room* hey
Ashton:ur so sexy
Kat:*blushes* thx
Lilith:I was wondering when you would come here
Lilith:you know I'm so bored
Michael:well what should we do then "Miss I'm so Bored"?
i don't know how about we play
Ashton:wanna just stay in this room all day?
do you know what I mean
gtg Lunch
I'm back
Ashton:I'm tired
Kat:let's take a nap and cuddle babe
so Michael do you know what I mean
Ashton:k baby
Michael:not exactly
Lilith:can you come sit next to me
Michael:sure *walks over to the bed and sits next to Lilith* so?
I'm hungry
can I feed
where did you go
are you on if so can you please help me with my homework
what happened to you
I waz gone
sorry I was feeding
it's ok
I'm so bored
do you want to roll play
*5 hours later*
Ashton:*wakes up* well I fell refreshed
Kat:*wakes up* hey babe
Luke:*gets off plane* well here I am *walks into Kat and Ash's hotel room* hey guys
Ashton:hey Luke
Lilith:hi Kat
Kat:what r u doing here Lilith?
Lilith:I need a vacation to
I heard that there is a spa here you want to go with me Kat
ok let's go
Kat:bye Baby
this is going to be fun
I feel so relax I'm coming here once a month
so what do you want to do now
Luke:*runs up behind Kat* hi
Kat:oh hey Luke
Luke:*kisses Kat's neck* love u
Kat:*moans* ohhhhh Luke
Luke:*smirks* ha
Kat:we should go somewhere
Luke:*stops what he's doing immediately* ok
Kat:well where should we go?
Luke:how about my childhood home?
Luke:*whines* what
Kat:r ur parents home?
Luke:*stops whining* no
Kat:ok let's go
*15 minutes later*
Luke:well we're here
Kat:wow such a *gets cut off by Luke*
Luke:*stops kissing Kat* let's go to my room
*18 minutes later*
Luke:*turns on some music* I love u
Kat:*starts singing along to "Love Me Like U Do" by Ellie Goulding
Kat:*singing* Ur the light, ur the night, ur the color of my blood.
Kat:ur the fear, I don't care. Ur the only thing I wanna touch. Never knew it could mean so much.
Luke:I put this song on especially for this occasion
good morning
Kat:so love me like u do, l-l-l-love me like u do
Luke:ok I will
Kat:love me like u do, l-l-l-love me like u do
Kat:touch me like u do, t-t-t-touch me like u do
Luke:*touches Kat's b**b*moan 4 me
Kat:*stops singing* *moans* ohhhh Luke
Luke:*smirks* I will f**k u so hard to where u won't b able to walk 4 a week
Kat:do it I dare u
*8 hours later*
Kat:*hears front door open* I thought u said that ur parents weren't home
Luke:they must've just come home
Kat:Let's get dressed and get out of here
Kat:*grabs clothes and puts them on* c'mon
Luke:*grabs clothes and puts them on* ok now we just have to sneak out the front door without getting caught
Kat:*walks downstairs quietly* *whispers* c'mon Luke
Luke:*follows Kat* *whispers* our shoes r right by the front door
Liz:*notices Luke and Kat on the stairs* hey
Kat:*talks in normal voice* oh hey Liz
Luke:hey mum
Liz:what r u guys doing here
Luke:mum we were just visiting
Kat:now we're leaving
Liz:bye oh and Luke I believe u r forgetting these *hands Luke condoms* here u go
Luke:really mum really
Liz:I really need to use protection
Luke:don't worry I will
Jack:*walks in room and sees Luke* hey baby bro
Luke:hey Jack
Liz:Jack go in the living room
Jack:ok mum
Luke:*grabs Kat's hand and pulls her towards the front door* c'mon let's go
Kat:*grabs hers and Luke's shoes* ok
*2 hours later*
Kat:we're here
Ashton:Kat, baby girl, where have u been
Kat:Ash, Daddy, it's a long story
Ashton:why does ur breath smell like cigarette smoke?
Kat:u didn't know that I smoke?
Ashton:no I didn't
Luke:did u notice her lip ring too?
Michael:*walks over to Kat* whoa ur such a hot girl
Ashton:c'mon Luke let's let them talk
Michael:when did u get all those piercings and tattoos
Michael:well u look really hot with them
Kat:*blushes* thx
Michael:wait r u a smoker?
Kat:yeah. y?
Michael:just wondering
Lilith:Michael where are you
Michael:I'm in the lobby
Kat:I'll b outside
Michael I'm bored do you want to play chess
Kat:*takes out cigarette and smokes* haha
i win again
Ashton:*walks outside and catches Kat smoking* what do u think u r doing?
Kat:I'm smoking
Michael:aw man
wanna play again
Ashton:I love bad girls
Kat:oh I already knew that
ok well what now
Michael:let's play "The Last Of Us" it's a video game
I don't know how to
Michael:do u want me to teach u how to play
Ashton:wanna go inside
Kat:heyyyyyyyyyyyy 2 u 2 Cal
Michael:Lilith answer me
sorry and yes teach me how to play
Michael:it's ok and ok
Michael:the first thing u do is pick up the controller
ok umm this
Michael:yes. now press the button in the middle
now what
Michael:select ur avatar
umm how
Michael:move the joysticks around
ok can you help me
Michael:*puts hands on top of Lilith's* ok so watch my hands
Michael:*moves joysticks around and stops at sexy looking avatar* ok here u go
umm why that one
Michael:because it looks just like u
you really think so
Michael:I'm positive
so what now
Michael:go to "my games"
Kat:Daddy, I'm hungry
Ashton:then go get some food
Kat:not that kind of hungry, silly
Ashton:oh. ohhhhhhhh
Ashton:sry Lilith
can you please go so michael can teach me how to play
Michael:*looks at Lilith* where were we
umm I don't know
Michael:oh yea i remember now. go to "my games"
ok here
Michael:now go all the way to the right and go to "The Last Of Us"
ok done
Michael:ok u should b all set 4 now
ok thanks for teaching me
Michael:u r welcome
so what do we do now
Michael:u look around the house in the game
ok how do I move
Michael:u know what I'm tired I wanna go to sleep
umm sure
Michael:come cuddle with me
umm no thanks
Michael:*whines* y not?
umm I don't want to
Michael:fine I'll just b forever alone
fine one night
but I'm not going to to anything
Ashton:I'm tired
Kat:fine let's go to bed
well I'm not
*2 minutes later*
Ashton:well, Baby Girl, we're in our hotel room now.
Michael Hannah is hungry
Kat:come cuddle me
Michael:come here Hannah
Hannah:I'm coming
Ashton:ok I'll cuddle u
I'm about to punch someone
don't worry
*20 Seconds later*
Ashton:*sleeping and cuddling Kat* love u
Hannah:thank you Michael
Kat:*sleeping and snuggling into Ash's arms* love u too
Michael:ur welcome
Lilith:now back to bed
Michael:*is really tired* I'm really tired and lonely
well I'm here
so what do you want to do
what happened to you
I waz in gym.
can I have another pillow
Michael:*gives Lilith his other pillow* here u go
thank you
Michael:ur welcome
I can't sleep Michael
Michael:do u want to watch a movie
Michael:let's watch twilight
no I'm going to pick the movie
let's watch vampire academy
good morning
guess what
idk what?
there's a blood drive at my school
cool 😎
not cool I'm a vampire
sry it must b difficult 4 u not to drink all that blood
it really is
Michael:*confused* w-what?
Lilith what's going on
Kat:*wakes up* aww Ashey's still sleeping
well let's go back to sleep
Ashton:*wakes up* hey babe
Michael:ok *goes back to sleep* love u
Kat:*hoes in bathroom and gets dressed* I'm in here daddy
Ashton:*gets dressed and goes in bathroom* hey baby girl
a few hours later
Kat:so where u wanna go daddy
Michael:*wakes up* aww she's so cute when she's sleeping
my wings come out
Michael:*freaking out* what the f**k
Ashton:let's go to the park, and then my house, and then the ice cream shop
Kat:*thinking* ok
I'm still sleeping
Michael:*runs in bathroom and locks door* that iz so f**king crazy
Ashton:well let's go then
*15 minutes later*
Kat:whoa Sydney has such a huge park
Ashton:yep and I grew up in Sydney
Michael are you ok
Michael:*shouts from bathroom* no
Kat:I know that u crazy Aussie
what's wrong
did my wings come to while I was sleeping
sorry that happens when I'm flying in my dreams
Michael:*runs back in hotel room* well u could've just told me
Ashton:yea I know I'm a crazy Aussie
that's why I didn't want to sleep with you
Michael:it ok
so what was going on
Michael:I honestly can't remember
ok well I'm going to watch a movie
Ashton:let's go to my parent's house real quick
Ashton:ok we can go get ice cream now
Michael do you mind putting Hannah down for her nap
thank you
Michael:ur welcome
so what do you want to do now
Michael:wanna go get some ice cream
not me
Michael:y not?
I don't want any
*8 hours later*
I'm just really bored
Ashton:we're back
Kat:let's go daddy
Michael can you please play with me
Michael do you know what I want to play
Michael:no what
why don't you choose
Michael:*picks up a box labeled "Twister"* how about this one
Michael:let's play
Kat:love u Ash
I'm never playing that game again
how are you so flexible
Michael:aww don't b like that
Michael:i started taking gymnastics at a young age
I'm going to stick to chess
so what are we going to do now
Michael:wanna play tennis?
no I don't like tennis
Michael:how about soccer?
can you teach me how to play your game
I'm here
thank you so what do I do first
Michael:u move ur feet around by the ball
okay like this
Michael:yea like that
ok now what
Michael:now try kicking the ball
I did it now what
Michael:try and get the ball from me
it's like soccer
wow this is fun
I'm bored
so what do you want to do now
Michael:u up 4 a game of basketball?
Ashton:what do u want to do, baby girl?
Kat:I don't know. what do u want to do, daddy?
Lilith:do you guys know where Michael is
Kat:no. y?
because I want to play
Luke:I think I saw him by the pool
I already looked there
Calum:Well what about the lobby
I'll try there
Ashton:good luck
Lilith:Michael where are you
Michael:*shouts from basketball court* I'm in here
Lilith:I've been looking for you
Michael:sry I just really love sports
Lilith:it's fine I just wanted to talk to you
I'm going to be taking care of a vampire hunter and if I die please take care of Hannah for me ok
thank you I'll be back in three days
Michael:ur welcome and plz b safe
I will
Michael:*kisses Lilith's cheek* thx bye
3 days later
Kat:I'm going to go swimming
Ashton:I'm coming with
Luke:wait 4 me
Lilith:hi I'm back where's Michael
Calum:I think he's in the basketball court again
Lilith:thank you
Calum:ur welcome
Lilith:Michael guess who's back
Michael:*drops basketball and runs to Lilith* I missed u
Lilith:I missed you too
Michael:*kisses Lilith's cheek* I love u *blushes*
Luke:*throws Kat in pool* haha
Ashton:*washes hands* well I need to get back to my baby girl
Lilith:I love you to
Michael:will u b my girlfriend?
Kat:*gets out of the pool and slaps Luke* I hate u!
Luke:y do u hate me?
Kat:*yells at Luke* because u threw me in the pool
Michael:hello? Lilith? answer me
Ashton:*walks behind Kat* hey babe
Michael:I asked u an important question
Lilith:well I don't know
Michael:I'll give u some time
later that night
Lilith:mich can I come into your room
Lilith:thank you
Michael:u will b my gf?
Lilith:yes I will
Michael:yay! *kisses Lilith*
Lilith:* kisses back
Michael:*wraps hands around Lilith's waist*
Lilith:* wraps her arms around your neck *
Michael:*grabs Lilith's waist and puts her on his lap*
Lilith:* continues kissing *
Michael:*holds Lilith's hands*
Lilith:* takes your shirt off *
Michael:*take your shirt off*
Lilith:* kicks off her shoes
Michael:*kicks off shoes*
Lilith:you should lock your door
Michael:ok *walks over to the door and locks it* ready
Lilith:oh I'm ready
Michael:*smirks* great
Lilith:what are you going to do first
Michael:*kisses Lilith's neck* love u baby
Lilith:I love you to
Michael:*unclips Lilith's bra* haha
Lilith:* blushes *
Michael:*notices Lilith blushing* there's no need to blush darling
Lilith:I'm hungry
Lilith:so lay down on me so I can feed
Michael:*lays down on Lilith* ok go ahead drink my blood
Lilith bites your neck and drinks your blood
Michael:that feels nice
bites harder
Michael:*moans* ohhh f**k
starts to drain you
Michael:*turns paler than before* Lilith, babe, plz stop
doesn't hear you
Michael:*squeezes Lilith's breast really hard* stop
Lilith:sorry I haven't fed the past three days
Michael:it's ok darling
Lilith:did I take to much
Michael:a little
I'm so sorry this happens every time i do this
Michael:I told u that it's ok
starts crying I've killed every boyfriend I've ever had because I always end up draining them dry
Michael:*wipes away Lilith's tears* shh it's ok babe
no it's not what if next time I don't stop and I drain you dry completely
Michael:*runs in the bathroom and cries* I'm not ok
Lilith :do you want to continue what we were doing before I fed
Lilith:ok well let's go back to the bed
now where were we
Michael:I believe I was about to take off ur bra
yes that's right
Michael:*takes Lilith's bra off* ohh u got some huge-a** breasts
Michael:*takes off Lilith's pants* so sexy
Michael:*take off Lilith's panties* so gorgeous
Lilith:I'm ready for you
Lilith:what are you going to do first
Michael:*smirks* just wait and see
Lilith:alright do what you want
punish me I've been very bad
I'm ready
Michael:*thrusts slowly in and out of Lilith* *moans* ohhhh
oh baby
mmm that feels good
oh baby yes
Michael:*goes faster and harder* ohhhh s**t
baby oh baby yes
Michael:*thrusts even harder and faster* f*************************k
Michael:*hits his high* s**t, f**k, ohhhhhhhhh
Michael:*comes down from his high* Lilith, babe, the waz the best s*x ever
Ashton:*grabs ahold of Kat's bikini top* who's ur daddy
Kat:*notices her breast hanging out* ASHTON!
Ashton:no it's pronounced daddy
Kat:*whines* daddy
hi I'm back sorry I've been super busy
it ok
hi I'm here
hi you on
hi you on