Notice Meh
Sorry for being absent
Talking to people and carrying out hobbies
are getting quite hard to do these days.
It's becoming quite difficult for me to enjoy anything.


Notice Meh Sorry for being absent Talking to people and carrying out hobbies are getting quite hard to do these days. It's becoming quite difficult for me to enjoy anything.

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Also, Guilty Crown is a pretty good anime. Started it a few days ago.
okay um this, this edit right here is amazing and I can see how much you've improved in this edit you're soooooo soo so talented so please keep up the amazing work
and I understand how you feel but you'll get over it sometimes I feel that way for me I usually end up super bored and mad at myself for not doing anything so I just try to the tings I love even if they may not interest me in the moment because I'll learn to love them again and then it becomes fun and if that doesn't help you throw on your favorite show or movie and have fun idrk it's up to you but I know you'll over this because even I get bored of things whether it hobbies or people well I hope this was helpful
Oh heck man, I hope things get better for you, I know how you feel and it'll be okay