I kinda like this,the c's in King Basil are inspired by @GatheringBlue. It's almost Mother's Day!


I kinda like this,the c's in King Basil are inspired by @GatheringBlue. It's almost Mother's Day!

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B E A U T I F U L 😊💐💕 | xx
love this💖
L O V E L Y 💙 🦋
this is absolutely stunning ! | xx
thanks for all the kind and supportive comments guys❤️it means so much to me^^
love this 😍
so I was on Amy's live stream on Instagram just then and oml
drake was on there too
and he was being so funny ahahah Amy was with her friend and they were doing cheer tricks {she's a cheerleader} and he said
"front flip off the tree"
and then they did q & a
and someone said who do you like and they said "we like a few guys" 1) isn't that basically like cheating but not really 2) they didn't say who and then Amy says "Charlotte I know who you like but I'm not gonna say cuz it'll embarrass you" 1) I never told her 2) FORGET THAT YOU'VE ALREADY EMBARRASSED ME ENOUGH THANKS and then she says "and I think they like you too" LIKE AMY STOP
for the school, try your hardest to keep up your marks. there's just soooo much competition for schools😂 but I know you'll do great. I am seriously your twin😂 but I think EVERYONE has family issues sometimes. I mean, people think everyone has a 'perfect' family, but every family has flaws in someway. just like people, we're not perfect but we're human. you could try talking to family members about how you feel. I'm sry about how you feel though. and just know you are amazing in every way.❤️❤️ and also, I'd consult someone on any of my advice cause I'm like the worst it gets😂 sry sealy
this is totally irrelevant, but what's your time zone? (I'm just curious cause we're usually on at different times😂)
P R E T T Y❤️
This. is. amazing. ✨✨