ive never seen a firefly irl whoops


ive never seen a firefly irl whoops

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me neither
dude they are beautiful like when i sit in my backyard they are everywhere
ho w
they're so fun to watch at night flickering through trees
wow it's really weird to think how some people have never seen things like fireflies. I don't see them everywhere but one night there was bunch and we caught them. it's very wholesome fun
re// Maybe one day you'll get to see one. I hope you do!
welcome to the south sweetheart, it's all about fireflies, ice tea, prep, and Jesus yee haw
^ that literally had nothing to do with this I'm just saying people from the south are oddly obsessed with fireflies
well cali is prettier than texas
it is a goddâmn absolute banger
also I'm pretty sure fireflies don't hang around in Ireland so me neither lol