Im going on a ROADTRIP!!!\\LEXI


Im going on a ROADTRIP!!!\\LEXI

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hey lexi do you think david will come comeback
i hope soo i miss him a lot
when will he get out
oh ok 😢 ugh i miss him alot
I've been okay and you?
thays really good to know just wish i can talk to him
lexiii....Jacob is soooo😍😍😍
yahh please
you gotta manz
ik but are you dating someone
i know i made him happy but how come he never told me
i really wish i could have helped and been there for him
oh cool
I'm single 🤕
he didnt need to be scared he could have told me not to tell i loved him
ok thats good just tell him the first other than yall person he talks to is me
when ??
alright sounds good
alright well thx for everything
have a goodnight 😴
your best feature is your eyes tbh😍😍
can you do me a favor
tell Jacob I said hiii....but he doesn't even know me but I want to get to know him better
okay thanks sis
I did it
what time is it where you live?
Lexi is my ex