*happy burger has seen things


*happy burger has seen things

17 0
*nasty things
hey I hacked this account
Hi chara...
I made
Another account...
I just wanna say I am so very sorry for what I did and I... I....
I miss you...
Your... Gonna have to comment on here... Can't make collages...
Your... Gonna have to comment on here... Can't make collages...
(Sigh) imma go, I guess... Um, I'll come back later....
It's Chara... I forgive u I'm sorry. (I am having a sleepover with NEENJA)
Oh. You too know each other?
S-so... H-how's Bryan?
(Whispers) shouldn't of said dat...
(Whispers) shouldn't of said dat...
I s-still... Haven't lost my p-personalit-ty... Heh heh...
I s-still... Haven't lost my p-personalit-ty... Heh heh...
It k-keeps on reappearing things...
I'll be here tomorrow... I'm at my grammas.
Embarrassing to tell you dat...
Embarrassing to tell you dat...
She spoils me tho.
Well, bye.
Cya tomorrow... Char char...
Heyo. I'm backo.
And yes, backo.
sorry... and ya we do we hang out a lot
I also know datboi69 irl
idk... I haven't seen Bryan... I wanna tell him everything... but I can't
I can't hold it back...
Ok then....
I don't know what to say so immature just, do stuff.
I mean, I don't know what to say, so, yeah.
Sorry I am with my niece Jaelin I've been hanging out with them and didn't see your conversation with me
ya my feeling not about our relationship