Omg even the news paper says 5sos not a boyband! So people need to stop calling them that! And it says they have more to offer thank 1D!πŸ˜„


Omg even the news paper says 5sos not a boyband! So people need to stop calling them that! And it says they have more to offer thank 1D!πŸ˜„

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I personally think One Direction is better, thank you very much!
ok that's your opinion they are to very different types of music so personally I like 5sos better but I respect your opinion.
Thank you! Oh my gosh you are the first nice person ever! And don't get me wrong: I LOVE 5sos! One Direction was just in my life first.
GLAπŸ˜‚ thanks and no problem but honestly I've never been a huge fan of 1D I mean I like some of there music but they never really caught my attention like 5sos. like I don't hate on them but I've never really "loved them" lol
I get it hah
yea πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚