im horrible with people i like the moment i get a crush i want to punch them and move to canada


im horrible with people i like the moment i get a crush i want to punch them and move to canada

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'you got an F on your science test!' 'that doesn't make sense, I'm Kayne West!'
yes come to Canada you can hide in my little Canadian basement
i might have to take up that offer cant wait to blend in with the mooses
@bootphil that's the most Canadian thing I've ever heard
now when someone says anything to me anything at all I'm gonna say that doesn't make any sense I'm Kanye west
oh and same on that caption tho
Gurl, I have a STORY for you. This girl that liked me, we dated for two weeks. we kissed(oh my first kiss) and the bam, a few days later I'm single because the kiss for her wasn't electrifying. like explain why girls make me cri.
@king_lex yikes thats why i have relationship trust issues i shall stay by myself that way i dont get hurt