If you see this I love you☺️


PLEASE READ COMMENTS!! If you see this I love you☺️

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Ok, so I have a small case of Haphephobia. Haphephobia is the fear of touching or being touched, and I say small case because it's really not that bad. I am ok when someone I know and trust touches me and if they have a reason, but today my mom tried tickling me and I told her to stop and hit her hand. My dad then yelled at me and told me that because she's my mom she can do that. Excuse me? You CANNOT touch me without my permission. I tried explaining but she wouldn't listen. According to her it's "Not normal" and if probably isn't, but it's me. Not many people really understand me and it can hurt when they don't. I then got into an argument about how everyone my age is trying to find ways to show off their body's when I'm the one trying as hard as I can to cover my skin. She also says that's weird. To me, it's gotten a lot better. I know wear shorts and *gasp* even tank tops! I used to think my body is ugly, not saying that I don't now, but it used to be really bad. I now appreciate who I am a little more and I want you all to do that to. I'm sorry that this's is all over the place, I just needed to rant. I also wanted to say that you are beautiful and amazing, and nobody ever has the right to say otherwise. Keep being you.
Games on my page I'd love u to enter xox- Lydia
I also don't like showing my skin..