It's my birthday soon but I think my parents have forgot about it bc they haven't even asked me what I want in birthday present


It's my birthday soon but I think my parents have forgot about it bc they haven't even asked me what I want in birthday present

17 0
Maybe they're just getting you a surprise
happy Birthday!! 🎊🎉
(early birthday)
thank you 👌🏻^
nahh I have a hard time thinking that, they know I don't like surprises^^
They're probably just teasing you then
or they actually did forget but idk I kinda doubt they would tbh
my grandpa haven't forgotten at least
but maybe my parents already know what I want
Your grandpa is good
Yeah maybe
or early birthday I guess
they are probably trying to convince you that they forgot to make it seem like "surprise! we REMEMBERED" on your actual bday
that would be so boring lol
let me put a word in with your parents
go for it