some minds are better kept apart


some minds are better kept apart

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omg you've never listened to them before?😱 they're so amazing and they're my favorite band everrr😂 I feel like you'd love them((: and it's awesome that you loved that song! it's one of their most famous songs👏✨ and okay I see that you're into nirvana but I haven't listened to them much, but I'd love to get deeper into their music. do you have any suggestions on what to listen to by them? also I could give you green day suggestions (if you want them😂) and we could have like a music swap😅😂
I love your account🌸✨😄🌷🌟
oh & I tagged you for the "who I admire" tag! ⛅️
thank youuuuu omg you gave me so many, I can't wait to listen to them😱😱😱 and if I gave you green day suggestions, do you like slow songs or fast songs or does it matter?😁 anyways green day only has about three slow songs but😂 anyways if it doesn't matter, I suggest are Amy, basketcase, know your enemy, longview, Jesus of suburbia, 21 guns, she, (the lyrics to she are extremely amazing ahhh) misery, warning, last of the American girls, oh love, x kid, and stray heart(((:
oh and also good riddance, if you've never heard it then you need to((: sorry I gave you a lot😶😶
OMG THANK YOU FOR ADDING MORE😅 I'm really really excited to listen to them, I'll try to listen to them as soon as I get home from school tomorrow((: and I thought of more too I hope I'm not giving you too much😂 minority, geek stink breath (be careful of the music video if you don't like blood😂) homecoming, holiday, welcome to paradise, brain stew, peacemaker, whatsername, reject, and the grouch
hopefully I don't think of anymore because right now you have like three years worth of music that I'm giving you, sorry😂
I was actually just listening up to do re me, and now I'm going to listen the next song you gave me, I'll have to check what it is😂 I'll tell you all my favorites once I finish listening, so far I've really like them all((: oh and if you haven't listened to wake me up when September ends before which I'm guessing you have but if you haven't then you totally neeeeed too😂 also sorry I thought of more😁 haha you're dead, blood sëx and boöze, and church on Sunday
omg we're really going crazy with this, but it's awesome😂😂😂
okay I finished listening to them all!!((((: I really liked them all actually! but my favorites were sliver, lounge act, love buzz, stay away, all apologies, dumb, and drain you👏👏👏
your account is sososososo nice