I'm sad😓😢😥😞😣😔SonOfPoseidon left😭I tried to help him…😓😓


I'm sad😓😢😥😞😣😔SonOfPoseidon left😭I tried to help him…😓😓

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done I posted it🙈💜💖
aww don't be sad I'm here for you
thank you so much and who is the guy?
he was my friend and he was really nice and supportive😔💜
stop being mean!! he was just really sad about something
and you have no right to judge him like that cuz you didn't know him before he got sad
he was sad because his girlfriend broke up with him
wait what do you mean you know him more than I think?
ohh so you know him irl?
I think it's Gradyn cuz I saw OmeletLightwood call him that
omg that's so cool tho!!!
tell him I said hi😋
yeah😔I feel bad for him
awww😞that's a shame😔
are you friends with him or do you just know him?
oh ok bye
What the heck why does it just look like you talking to yourself?
because the person I was talking to deleted their account so all their comments disappeared
??? I thought you were talking about how they came back
Idk I'm just really confused rn
wait I didn't say he came back in this conversation…
Ya on your other post I checked??? What's with this dude
you're SonOfPoseidon aren't you😏
No I'm seriously not im actually a girl btw
oh ok sorry
I'm seriously a girl
ok I'm sorry😣
Check omlets page the most recent post comments...
ok I'm really sorry😔I believe you now💜😊
Thx sorry we kinda got off on the wrong foot 🙂
yeah but we can always become friends😊💜
Could I get a shoutout (for more followers)