Ya know it'll be nice to have friends who won't forget about you... 
Kinda mad...not really mad but upset with Charlie and Leo 😔 ::Hannah:: 

She's sad ☚ī¸ ::Jason::


::Click:: Ya know it'll be nice to have friends who won't forget about you... Kinda mad...not really mad but upset with Charlie and Leo 😔 ::Hannah:: She's sad ☚ī¸ ::Jason::

19 5
why what did we do 😔 - Leo
I don't want to talk about it...
Hannah please...
Leo I said I didn't want to talk about it..
it's nothing important anyway 😔
well it is to me 😕
okay you wanna know? I'll tell you... you just quit bars and melody and think everyone's gonna be happy right? well that's not true! you know what I'm quitting singing and dancing *walks away*
why Hannah I did this for my wife and kids I hardly ever saw them concerts everyday after parties world tours it didn't make me happy Hannah my family does and if you can respect my decision maybe your not a true friend *walks the other way*
*turns around looks at you* Leo that's not what I meant... what I was trying to say is like why quit it completely *tears roll down cheeks* and your right I'm not a true friend... what happened to that promise you made Leo..? oh yeah that's right your breaking it *runs off*
*turns around* Hannah you don't get it *runs after you*
*turns around crying* Leo what don't I get?
that I did it so I can be happy to be honest performing didn't make me happy it made me think of my parents and bad memories I hated it
okay well you can be happy now.... but I was supposed to be going on tour with you and Charlie *looks down*
I know look for you we will do one last performance it will be better than any other one we ever had
no *kicks a rock* I'm not doing anymore performances
well I am I'm telling Charlie and me and him are doing this
I'm still not doing it...
you can watch or not but I'm still doing it
Leo it doesn't even make you happy... why do this if it's not going to make you happy?
because I know people would love one last performance
but you won't be happy *picks up a rock and plays with it*
so as long as others are happy
*looks at you then looks down* are you still my fluffy unicorn..? or do you hate me now?
I'm still your fluffy unicorn
really..? *looks at you* even after I did all that..?
okay okay 🙃 I'm sorry I acted that way 😕 I wasn't thinking about anything... 😔
it's okay I wasn't the one thinking
I should pay attention to what I'm saying
me too
I'm still sorry 😕