I'm sorry guys but I'm gonna stay away from pic collage for a little while. Doesn't mean I'm deactivating but my mom doesn't want me talking to strangers. So sorry be back soon. Love you guys 
I'm so sorry


I'm sorry guys but I'm gonna stay away from pic collage for a little while. Doesn't mean I'm deactivating but my mom doesn't want me talking to strangers. So sorry be back soon. Love you guys AmazingMage I'm so sorry

14 0
I'm so sorry
But you know moms
I'm gonna miss you all for a while.
remember me and keep adding up my followers
ok I can do that!!!!! you know..... I just got an idea..... you can trust me right?? well if you gave me the password to your account I could keep it up and running, but I bet you will say no
noooo!!! Ultra sad face! why are moms so evil sometimes!!?!??
Hey guys it's me amazingMage on my friends phone! I'm so so sorry. but you know moms😒
friends phone
From skool
It's me!!
I think I'm back
WHAT??? why would she do that ??? I'm kinda no back
I'm not back sorry I'm on my brothers