Collage by Cowgirl_H8


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how is she being mean
and don’t even THINK about calling twilightswiftie ugly again she is pretty u said that she is uglier than u how is that true!? quit talking to my friends and cowgirl_ that way😡😡😡
the truth is there is no fight to pick. get over yourself.
okay this really needs to stop. she‘s so kind & sweet and i don’t understand why you’re h@ting on her. is it because you’re jealous? she‘s not being mean at all, please find another hobby or go to a therapist. you rlly have a problem
get a life
you’re the wrong one bud. cowgirl’s not doing anything
you’re literally posting fake things, framing her and lying just to get attention!
get a life
noo def not!! she doesn't deserve this at all, what you're doing is extremely childish and embarrassing.
Stop this! this is cyber bullying
im not fighting with you anymore. go do something with meaning in your life
people get out of other people’s business and don’t bully them bc you not know what they are going through
shut up!!