
@scatteredpetals I did it!


Tap! @scatteredpetals I did it!

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your awesome, amazing, beautiful, sweet, nice, talented, motivating, inspiring, and all around awesome. I love your collages they are really inspiring and uplifting πŸ’œ
I put awesome twice πŸ˜† cause your just da bomb πŸ˜†
you are an amazing person with an awesome soul! you can be anything you want to be just believe
Reply: I did use your icon for 5 days (and thanked you in the caption of one collage) but it didn't feel like me, sorry. But thank you again and don't be mad at me...
For the compliment tag: You make very beautiful collages and seem to be a kind and lovely person! β€πŸ’•πŸ’šπŸ’—πŸ’œπŸ’–
team results and the instructions r up for the games!
Thanks for supporting/following me! Stay tuned for games, backgrounds, jokes, png’s, quotes,etc. @-bubblebliss-EXTRAS-, and don’t forget about my original account -bubblebliss-😊🌿