I feel like I'm slowly losing inspiration to edit. And before you freak out and say "OMG Emily is going to leave PC! NOW IT IS TIME TO PANIC!" That's not what's happening. I'm just telling you that posts are going to be slower because of the lack of insp


I feel like I'm slowly losing inspiration to edit. And before you freak out and say "OMG Emily is going to leave PC! NOW IT IS TIME TO PANIC!" That's not what's happening. I'm just telling you that posts are going to be slower because of the lack of insp

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(the caption this isn't working) I feel like I'm slowly losing inspiration to edit. And before you freak out and say "OMG Emily is going to leave PC! NOW IT IS TIME TO PANIC!" That's not what's happening. I'm just telling you that posts are going to be slower because of the lack of inspiration aka editor's block. That's all. Don't panic please XD
Okie dokie, and I just want to let you know that all your edits are amazing, your account is amazing, and you are amazing too
I feel like it's just that time of year, a lot of people I've come across, including myself, have fallen victim to editors block. But honestly, this is beautiful as is, if you hadn't said something I never would've noticed. This is truly stunning. Everything Mari said is so true.