


7 5
but if I leave I can't hurt u anymore
see this is y I wanna go before I cause someone to do that please don't please I'll stay just please
now I'm crying even more
omg I really wanna die I swear to god
why not u just said if I leave u kill your self I already wanna die and now I really wanna die
I'm gonna go at 9but I'll be back sometime tomorrow we is going hunting so I'll be back some time
ok I guess I won't
ok I won't
no problem ANYTHING for YOU
ANYTHING for one of my best friends BILLY
nothing I'm just saying I would so anything for u
that's all what do u think I'm talking about
umm ok I love u
nothing I'm sorry I'm just being weird
I'll stop
❤️💙❣💓💘💝💗💕💛💜💚💞💖💟---------------------> 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😢😢😢😨😨😨😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
I'm sorry I'll Stop I love u I'll just go
I'm so stupid I'm sorry
this is going on I'm my head rn -------> ❤️💔❤️💔❤️💔💙💔 😢😰😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️💔😰💔😢😍😢🤔💜😎💞😨💔😨😢😨💙😨😵😲😔😟🤔🤓😜😝😍😘😚😙😫😵❤️❤️💔💔💔💔💔
*crys* i don't know
hey stop please you are a pretty,smart girl you are only 13 you should not think about this I'm 18 so I had more experience I tried to commit sucide and then think about how many ppl will miss you
why it don't matter
I don't know what I feel for anyone
ok well idk ok and I'm sorry idk
I really am
*looks away* *whispers y did he do that he knows that I like him as a friend and if I like him more idek*
*covers my face *
no I said nothing it wasn't important
no it's nothing I promise *trys not to cry*
I love u ur the best friend ever please never not be my friend
I love u
please stay sis
yeah pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stay