// ™ c l i c k   h e r e ™ \\
// if you haven't already guessed, I changed my name again \\
// follow me on Instagram: @gerard.ways.hot.pants // make sure to tell me who you are and I'll follow you back // comment your 3 favourite MCR songs \\


// ™ c l i c k h e r e ™ \\ // if you haven't already guessed, I changed my name again \\ // follow me on Instagram: @gerard.ways.hot.pants // make sure to tell me who you are and I'll follow you back // comment your 3 favourite MCR songs \\

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dámmit it's 12:27 and I need to take a shower
why has nobody commented please talk to me I'm a lonely soul but I tell good jokes
Sing, Na Na Na, and WTTBP
Hey ❤️ Can you follow my friend mypanickingboy ❤️ They are a great MCR fan! ❤️🙌
Helena, blood, and mama probably
Teenagers, Disenchanted, I'm Not Okay (I promise)