Thanks for Icon


Thanks for Icon

7 0
that's ok
hope u like it +I made u another one with a different pic πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ’–
I can't see it!
ohhh I chose on June
with his icon I'll have its a contest and I give creds and the end to
can I have an icon?
sure remix and tell me what you want on it
you know I can't remixπŸ˜”
Okay I'll just post it. tell me what you want. gitter or not. what picture ( what person)
Princess Leia (preferably my profile pic.) glitter please
I really appreciate you doing this!😊😊😊 thanks a million!
I'll tell people to follow you!
it's okay you don't need to
no, it's fine. I need to thank you in a big way.
well okay then