But now I'm not


But now I'm not

15 0
who is sheπŸ€”
Cheyenne stop being sad you have so much time to live life forget about him if he doesn't see what a good person you are then he is missing out fine someone who loves and with stop time for you forget him live you life to the fullest u can have like 500 guys walking up to you asking you out come on Cheyenne you really want a be that girl who won't forget about him Cheyenne am not being mean just live your life he will realize that he wants you but for now forget about him okayπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
😭 but who is that guy
I know how you feel it happens to me last two weeks ago
it is ok u are loved by me and the girls