


12 6
aCtUalLy I wAs fIrsT
ok so how does this work ?
Don’t you roll your eyes at me missy...I CAN GIVE YOU MORE EXAMS
Basically you just go to each class and take the test BOOK
do we have a schedule for them or do we just do as we please
nooooooooo Kat whyyyyyyy
Old schedule
not examsssssss
Laura rolled out of bed. She was excited for a new day, no kidnaping. Then she remembered...exams.
Michael got out of bed ten minutes after her. They both got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast
Emilia put her alarm on snooze and went back to sleep. Then, Tomas unlocked her door and pranced in. "WHOO BRING ON THE EXAMS!" Emilia fell out of bed.
Laura made herself a bagel and grabbed some vegan butter. Michael was done being vegan and ate some cake.
Aurora finally awakened and got out of bed, She was so tired and upset because she remembered....EXAMS!*
Skylar had just got back from the hospital and she was still cut badly. Chase had to pull his sister down for exams because he knew she was never going to get out of bed.
Michael finished two slices of cake and brushed his teeth. Laura finished her smoothie and then made an iced almond milk latte for exams to keep her awake. Then she brushed her teeth
*Aurora walked into the school and ordered a strawberry banana smoothie and sat down at a lonely lunch table and dipped her smoothie, and thought about what happened yesterday with Peyton.*
Laura sighed. She looked at Aurora. She seemed like a nice girl, and Laura needed more friends. It was worth a shot. She walked up to her. “Can I sit here?”
*Aurora looked at Laura.* “yep, anyone can sit with me, and don’t worry I won’t bite.”
Laura smiled. “If you never knew, I’m Laura.” She said
(sky and Kendall’s outfits are so aesthetic and Laura’s like WOOOO CACTIC AND COMFORT LETS GO)
“Yea I knew, but we’ve never talked, it’s nice to meet you Laura, I’m Aurora.”
*sips smoothie.*
“Auroras a nice name.” Laura responded. She was tempted to mention Peyton, but she never.
“Thank you, Laura is really pretty too. So, how do you feel about exams?”
The three amigos walked in and sat downnn
“Nervous.” Laura said simply
“Yea same here, I never really did exams in my old school, I don’t know why but they just meh I don’t even know.”
“So, do you like singing?” Aurora blurted out.
“Yeah but I’m horrible at it.”
“oh, I doubt that sing a song and I’ll judge it for ya.”
Laura rolled her eyes. She sang the chorus of God Is A Woman. “That was terrible.”
“What are you talking about that was amazing! You can sing so much better than me!”
“Ew no!”
“yes yes! you should think about a singing career, that’s my plan.”
“Hey Halle! And you’d be great.”
“thanks! Hey Halle!”
“Ew no I can’t sing.”
“Laura can sing amazing!”
“Nooooo.” Laura screamed. Michael looked at her. “What are you screaming about?”
“Laura thinks she can’t sing.”
“Oh she can.” Michael said sitting next to her. He grabbed her coffee and took a sip. “Hey that’s mine!” Laura screamed again and punched his arm
*Aurora laughed and then she thought it’s been a while since she laughed ever since she went with Peyton at the welcoming dance, and then she thought about Peyton and she started getting teary again.*
“Whats wrong?” Michael asked, wrapping his arm around Laura
“oh umm nothing my eyes are just....*thinks of excuse* wàtery...!?
“Eyes do not just get wátery.” Laura said, pushing Michaels arm off.
“my eyes do...those dárn eyes..”
“Uh, yeah.” Laura said.
*takes a long sip of her smoothie*
“Uh, need to study.” Michael said running off
*watches as Michael awkwardly ran off* *Aurora pulled out her song book and starts slightly singing and writing and looking at the damage the book had because the accident.*
woopIty wOop
Michael sees Kendall. “Hey!” He says smiling.
“So Laura have you created any of your own songs?”
“Oh no. Gosh no.”
“oh why not?”
(when are we going to go to class for the EXAMS?)
“I’m not a singing person. More of a pianist.”
Laura yawned. She pulled out her science book and did some last minute studying
Michael drank some coke. “This is bad before exams.” He muttered
Laura stood up to go the the classroom. She only saw Thea. “Hi!” Laura said
“NOOOOOOO!” Skylar shouted once she saw the two hundred page exam
“Uh, no teachers here so you can YELL!” Laura screamed
Michael walked into the classroom. “I AM HYPE.” He exclaimed.
“YES WE KNOW.” Laura screamed back
Michael sat down, grabbing the book. “Ugh.” He groaned. Laura did the same as him and sat next to him.
I walk in and take the test
Laura finished the first fifty pages in about twenty minutes. “You got this.” She murmured, slurping her coffee.
(which test is 200 pages?)
Ophelia walked in to take the English exam with confidence. her favorite subject, she was bound to ace it. she was really worried about math and science. but thinking about math made her think about Liam, and that distracted her.
45 minutes later: Ophelia has finished the English exam with flying colors, now she had some time to relax before taking math and science.
(this is one of the quietest chatpages ever)
both my rps are quiet
what exam are we taking if any?
idk all of them?
(hey, what exam are we taking?)
(I took English already, just math and science for me)
(I have taken zero.)
Liam walked in to take his math exam. He was very nervous and although he had been studying for weeks he doubted he would pass. Taking a deep breath he walked into the classroom trying to up his confidence.
Ophelia saw Liam enter the math exam room, and her mind went blank. all she could think of was the other day, what had happened...-no- she thought. -I need to pass this exam- she focused on her paper
Liam saw Ophelia and smiled. Suddenly something turned in his head and he started his exam feeling confident as he answered question after question.
Ophelia reached her last problem, and spent unnecessary time on it, just so she’d finish at the same time as Liam, or ‘go over all her problems’
Liam finished his exam and brought it to the teacher at the front of the classroom at the same time as Ophelia. "So how do you think you did?" he asked
ophelia blew out through her cheeks “well, I hope. better than I would’ve without studying last night.” she said with a smirk
"So you're saying you'd rather have studied last night?" he asked smirking
“I didn’t say that...” she slid her fingers through his
"good" he said kissing her softly, "cuz I can do that again and again."
(btw I’m only kind of on) ophelia smiled “how about dinner?”
Tomas and Emilia trudged to their next exam.
Liam smiled, "Well lucky for you, I do know of a nice restaurant close to the school."
(AH, I have to eat dinner, but I'll be back in like an hour🙁)
(this has to be the lowest comment count on any of ur chat pages by far)
(I think it was the fact it has EXAMS in big letters)