seventeen vocal unit!
Sengkwan looking like divaboo and wooziness looking adorable. πŸ’–


CLICK seventeen vocal unit! Sengkwan looking like divaboo and wooziness looking adorable. πŸ’–

39 1
sounds good lol if you have any questions about exo you can just ask me they're my ug
this is awesome! wanna collab?
I just reaslied that autocorrect changed it to wooziness, Wow...
and oh my god *realised
Woozi reminds me of Kihyun from MONSTA X ...
I mean woozi doesn't look like him that much but Kihyun is short woozi is short they both are vocal line...and they both have pink hair πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
although Kihyun does look like woozi with the pic you used of woozi... idk let me know what you think? πŸ˜πŸŒΈπŸ’•
^^^ That's Kihyun Idk if you knew who he was or not πŸ€” ^^^